
Algorithms Design and Analysis Part Stanford Coursera
  • MP41 Two Motivating Applications\\/1 - 1 - Application- Internet Routing (11 min).mp413.85MB
  • MP41 Two Motivating Applications\\/1 - 2 - Application- Sequence Alignment (9 min).mp411.10MB
  • MP410 Introduction to Dynamic Programming\\/10 - 1 - Introduction- Weighted Independent Sets in Path Graphs (8 min).mp411.26MB
  • MP410 Introduction to Dynamic Programming\\/10 - 2 - WIS in Path Graphs- Optil Substructure (9 min).mp413.52MB
  • MP410 Introduction to Dynamic Programming\\/10 - 3 - WIS in Path Graphs- A Linear-Time Algorithm (10 min).mp414.54MB
  • MP410 Introduction to Dynamic Programming\\/10 - 4 - WIS in Path Graphs- A Reconstruction Algorithm (7 min).mp49.62MB
  • MP410 Introduction to Dynamic Programming\\/10 - 5 - Principles of Dynamic Programming (8 min).mp412.27MB
  • MP411 The Knapsack Problem\\/11 - 1 - The Knapsack Problem (10 min).mp414.08MB
  • MP411 The Knapsack Problem\\/11 - 2 - A Dynamic Programming Algorithm (10 min).mp413.61MB
  • MP411 The Knapsack Problem\\/11 - 3 - Example [Review - Optional] (14 min).mp424.21MB
  • MP412 Sequence Alignment\\/12 - 1 - Optil Substructure (14 min).mp419.54MB
  • MP412 Sequence Alignment\\/12 - 2 - A Dynamic Programming Algorithm (12 min).mp416.71MB
  • MP413 Optil Binary Search Trees\\/13 - 1 - Problem Definition (12 min).mp417.19MB
  • MP413 Optil Binary Search Trees\\/13 - 2 - Optimal Substructure (9 min).mp413.94MB
  • MP413 Optil Binary Search Trees\\/13 - 3 - Proof of Optimal Substructure (7 min).mp49.86MB
  • MP413 Optil Binary Search Trees\\/13 - 4 - A Dynamic Programming Algorithm I (10 min).mp414.05MB
  • MP413 Optil Binary Search Trees\\/13 - 5 - A Dynamic Programming Algorithm II (9 min).mp411.94MB
  • MP414 The Belln-Ford Algorithm\\/14 - 1 - Single-Source Shortest Paths Revisted (11 min).mp415.15MB
  • MP414 The Belln-Ford Algorithm\\/14 - 2 - Optimal Substructure (11 min).mp415.27MB
  • MP414 The Belln-Ford Algorithm\\/14 - 3 - The Basic Algorithm I (9 min).mp412.11MB
  • MP414 The Belln-Ford Algorithm\\/14 - 4 - The Basic Algorithm II (11 min).mp413.61MB
  • MP414 The Belln-Ford Algorithm\\/14 - 5 - Detecting Negative Cycles (9 min).mp412.78MB
  • MP414 The Belln-Ford Algorithm\\/14 - 6 - A Space Optimization (12 min).mp418.34MB
  • MP414 The Belln-Ford Algorithm\\/14 - 7 - Internet Routing I [Optional] (11 min).mp416.72MB
  • MP414 The Belln-Ford Algorithm\\/14 - 8 - Internet Routing II [Optional] (7 min).mp410.68MB
  • MP415 All-Pairs Shortest Paths\\/15 - 1 - Problem Definition (7 min).mp49.48MB
  • MP415 All-Pairs Shortest Paths\\/15 - 2 - Optil Substructure (12 min).mp416.53MB
  • MP415 All-Pairs Shortest Paths\\/15 - 3 - The Floyd-Warshall Algorithm (13 min).mp418.89MB
  • MP415 All-Pairs Shortest Paths\\/15 - 4 - A Reweighting Technique (14 min).mp419.62MB
  • MP415 All-Pairs Shortest Paths\\/15 - 5 - Johnson-\s Algorithm I (11 min).mp415.49MB
  • MP415 All-Pairs Shortest Paths\\/15 - 6 - Johnson-\s Algorithm II (11 min).mp416.86MB
  • MP416 NP-Complete Problems\\/16 - 1 - Polynomial-Time Solvable Problems (14 min).mp420.49MB
  • MP416 NP-Complete Problems\\/16 - 2 - Reductions and Completeness (14 min).mp419.86MB
  • MP416 NP-Complete Problems\\/16 - 3 - Definition and Interpretation of NP-Completeness I (11 min).mp416.35MB
  • MP416 NP-Complete Problems\\/16 - 4 - Definition and Interpretation of NP-Completeness II (8 min).mp412.18MB
  • MP416 NP-Complete Problems\\/16 - 5 - The P vs. NP Question (9 min).mp414.28MB
  • MP416 NP-Complete Problems\\/16 - 6 - Algorithmic Approaches to NP-Complete Problems (13 min).mp419.86MB
  • MP417 Faster Exact Algorithms for NP-Complete Problems\\/17 - 1 - The Vertex Cover Problem (9 min).mp412.75MB
  • MP417 Faster Exact Algorithms for NP-Complete Problems\\/17 - 2 - arter Search for Vertex Cover I (10 min).mp414.14MB
  • MP417 Faster Exact Algorithms for NP-Complete Problems\\/17 - 3 - arter Search for Vertex Cover II (8 min).mp410.37MB
  • MP417 Faster Exact Algorithms for NP-Complete Problems\\/17 - 4 - The Treling Salean Problem (15 min).mp421.00MB
  • MP417 Faster Exact Algorithms for NP-Complete Problems\\/17 - 5 - A Dynamic Programming Algorithm for TSP (12 min).mp417.45MB
  • MP418 Approxition Algorithms for NP-Complete Problems\\/18 - 1 - A Greedy Knapsack Heuristic (14 min).mp418.74MB
  • MP418 Approxition Algorithms for NP-Complete Problems\\/18 - 2 - Analysis of a Greedy Knapsack Heuristic I (7 min).mp48.93MB
  • MP418 Approxition Algorithms for NP-Complete Problems\\/18 - 3 - Analysis of a Greedy Knapsack Heuristic II (10 min).mp412.40MB
  • MP418 Approxition Algorithms for NP-Complete Problems\\/18 - 4 - A Dynamic Programming Heuristic for Knapsack (12 min).mp415.41MB
  • MP418 Approxition Algorithms for NP-Complete Problems\\/18 - 5 - Knapsack via Dynamic Programming Revisited (10 min).mp413.22MB
  • MP418 Approxition Algorithms for NP-Complete Problems\\/18 - 6 - Ananysis of Dynamic Programming Heuristic (15 min).mp418.70MB
  • MP419 Local Search Algorithms\\/19 - 1 - The ximum Cut Problem I (9 min).mp412.41MB
  • MP419 Local Search Algorithms\\/19 - 2 - The ximum Cut Problem II (9 min).mp412.84MB
  • MP419 Local Search Algorithms\\/19 - 3 - Principles of Local Search I (9 min).mp412.22MB
  • MP419 Local Search Algorithms\\/19 - 4 - Principles of Local Search II (10 min).mp414.49MB
  • MP419 Local Search Algorithms\\/19 - 5 - The 2-SAT Problem (15 min).mp419.64MB
  • MP419 Local Search Algorithms\\/19 - 6 - Random Walks on a Line (16 min).mp421.33MB
  • MP419 Local Search Algorithms\\/19 - 7 - Analysis of Papadimitriou-\s Algorithm (15 min).mp421.62MB
  • MP42 Selected Review From Part 1\\/2 - 1 - About the Course [Part I Review - Optional] (17 min).mp418.33MB
  • MP42 Selected Review From Part 1\\/2 - 2 - Why Study Algorithms- [Part I Review - Optional] (19 min).mp420.25MB
  • MP42 Selected Review From Part 1\\/2 - 3 - Guiding Principles for Analysis of Algorithms [Part I Review - Optional] (15 min).mp418.86MB
  • MP42 Selected Review From Part 1\\/2 - 4 - Big-Oh Notation [Part I Review - Optional] (4 min).mp44.36MB
  • MP42 Selected Review From Part 1\\/2 - 5 - Graph Representations [Part I Review - Optional] (14 min).mp414.48MB
  • MP42 Selected Review From Part 1\\/2 - 6 - Graph Search - Overview [Part I Review - Optional] (23 min).mp424.36MB
  • MP42 Selected Review From Part 1\\/2 - 7 - Dijkstra-\s Shortest-Path Algorithm [Part I Review - Optional] (21 min).mp421.92MB
  • MP42 Selected Review From Part 1\\/2 - 8 - Data Structures- Overview [Part I Review - Optional] (5 min).mp44.89MB
  • MP42 Selected Review From Part 1\\/2 - 9 - Heaps- Operations and Applications [Part I Review - Optional] (18 min).mp419.49MB
  • MP420 The Wider World of Algorithms\\/20 - 1 - Stable tching [Optional] (15 min).mp422.55MB
  • MP420 The Wider World of Algorithms\\/20 - 2 - tchings Flows and Braess-\s Paradox [Optional] (14 min).mp420.96MB
  • MP420 The Wider World of Algorithms\\/20 - 3 - Linear Programming and Beyond [Optional] (11 min).mp416.84MB
  • MP420 The Wider World of Algorithms\\/20 - 4 - Epilogue (1 min).mp41.79MB
  • MP43 Introduction to Greedy Algorithms\\/3 - 1 - Introduction to Greedy Algorithms (13 min).mp418.04MB
  • MP43 Introduction to Greedy Algorithms\\/3 - 2 - Application- Optil Caching (11 min).mp414.97MB
  • MP44 A Scheduling Application\\/4 - 1 - Problem Definition (6 min).mp47.79MB
  • MP44 A Scheduling Application\\/4 - 2 - A Greedy Algorithm (13 min).mp417.16MB
  • MP44 A Scheduling Application\\/4 - 3 - Correctness Proof - Part I (7 min).mp49.22MB
  • MP44 A Scheduling Application\\/4 - 4 - Correctness Proof - Part II (5 min).mp46.22MB
  • MP44 A Scheduling Application\\/4 - 5 - Handling Ties [Advanced - Optional] (7 min).mp49.65MB
  • MP45 Prim\s Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm\\/5 - 1 - MST Problem Definition (11 min).mp415.00MB
  • MP45 Prim\s Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm\\/5 - 2 - Prim-\s MST Algorithm (8 min).mp49.99MB
  • MP45 Prim\s Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm\\/5 - 3 - Correctness Proof I (16 min).mp419.02MB
  • MP45 Prim\s Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm\\/5 - 4 - Correctness Proof II (8 min).mp410.14MB
  • MP45 Prim\s Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm\\/5 - 5 - Proof of Cut Property [Advanced - Optional] (12 min).mp414.99MB
  • MP45 Prim\s Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm\\/5 - 6 - Fast Implementation I (15 min).mp419.66MB
  • MP45 Prim\s Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm\\/5 - 7 - Fast Implementation II (10 min).mp413.17MB
  • MP46 Kruskals Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm\\/6 - 1 - Kruskal-\s MST Algorithm (8 min).mp411.02MB
  • MP46 Kruskals Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm\\/6 - 2 - Correctness of Kruskal-\s Algorithm (9 min).mp412.30MB
  • MP46 Kruskals Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm\\/6 - 3 - Implementing Kruskal-\s Algorithm via Union-Find I (9 min).mp412.90MB
  • MP46 Kruskals Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm\\/6 - 4 - Implementing Kruskal-\s Algorithm via Union-Find II (14 min).mp418.88MB
  • MP46 Kruskals Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm\\/6 - 5 - MSTs- State-of-the-Art and Open Questions [Advanced - Optional] (9 min).mp414.23MB
  • MP47 Clustering\\/7 - 1 - Application to Clustering (12 min).mp415.13MB
  • MP47 Clustering\\/7 - 2 - Correctness of Clustering Algorithm (10 min).mp411.93MB
  • MP48 Advanced Union-Find\\/8 - 1 - Lazy Unions [Advanced - Optional] (10 min).mp415.24MB
  • MP48 Advanced Union-Find\\/8 - 2 - Union-by-Rank [Advanced - Optional] (12 min).mp418.19MB
  • MP48 Advanced Union-Find\\/8 - 3 - Analysis of Union-by-Rank [Advanced - Optional] (15 min).mp422.29MB
  • MP48 Advanced Union-Find\\/8 - 4 - Path Compression [Advanced - Optional] (15 min).mp421.51MB
  • MP48 Advanced Union-Find\\/8 - 5 - Path Compression- The Hopcroft-Ulln Analysis I [Advanced - Optional] (9 min).mp413.66MB
  • MP48 Advanced Union-Find\\/8 - 6 - Path Compression- The Hopcroft-Ulln Analysis II [Advanced - Optional] (12 min).mp417.17MB
  • MP48 Advanced Union-Find\\/8 - 7 - The Ackernn Function [Advanced - Optional] (17 min).mp422.64MB
  • MP48 Advanced Union-Find\\/8 - 8 - Path Compression- Tarjan-\s Analysis I [Advanced - Optional] (14 min).mp420.78MB
  • MP48 Advanced Union-Find\\/8 - 9 - Path Compression- Tarjan-\s Analysis II [Advanced - Optional] (14 min).mp419.09MB
  • MP49 Huffn Codes\\/9 - 1 - Introduction and Motivation (9 min).mp411.89MB
  • MP49 Huffn Codes\\/9 - 2 - Problem Definition (10 min).mp415.35MB
  • MP49 Huffn Codes\\/9 - 3 - A Greedy Algorithm (17 min).mp424.70MB
  • MP49 Huffn Codes\\/9 - 4 - A More Complex Example (4 min).mp45.51MB
  • MP49 Huffn Codes\\/9 - 5 - Correctness Proof I (10 min).mp413.30MB
  • MP49 Huffn Codes\\/9 - 6 - Correctness Proof II (13 min).mp416.75MB
Latest Search: 1.MXTDS-006   2.YOOM-01   3.MSYG-007   4.LIA-112   5.HITMA-45   6.CADV-327   7.NASS-052   8.KWBD-081   9.FSET-209   10.MDED-412   11.BIJ-035   12.EBOD-272   13.TMGK-033   14.MIBD-685   15.RKI-167   16.RKI-221   17.FSET-303   18.ONSD-387   19.ONSD-583   20.DAZD-037   21.WNZ-247   22.DV-1494   23.SOE-480   24.IDBD-310   25.MXGS-011   26.BUR-138   27.MODD-006   28.DAJ-004   29.TMDI-022   30.AA-012   31.JUSD-453   32.MKCK-041   33.PSSD-266   34.KTDS-554   35.DJNR-03   36.MIBD-618   37.KIBD-101   38.ACGJV-017   39.DOKS-157   40.BBS-213   41.ID-21018   42.DEXT-001   43.HTDR-008   44.JUSD-442   45.TGBE-001   46.BUR-416   47.NSPS-066   48.HIB-26   49.MIBD-596   50.SDDL-481   51.SBNS-021   52.RTP-008   53.SDMS-243   54.KAI-009   55.DVDES-603   56.KTIX-010   57.CZP-003   58.KTDVR-171   59.RD-490   60.DAPJ-057   61.SD-015   62.OKAS-022   63.PKC-040   64.NDV-438   65.DGKD-074   66.ROSD-28   67.EMAV-098   68.KA-2251   69.SUN-006   70.FE-595   71.006   72.01   73.007   74.112   75.45   76.327   77.052   78.081   79.209   80.412   81.035   82.272   83.033   84.685   85.167   86.221   87.303   88.387   89.583   90.037   91.247   92.1494   93.480   94.310   95.011   96.138   97.006   98.004   99.022   100.012   101.453   102.041   103.266   104.554   105.03   106.618   107.101   108.017   109.157   110.213   111.21018   112.001   113.008   114.442   115.001   116.416   117.066   118.26   119.596   120.481   121.021   122.008   123.243   124.009   125.603   126.010   127.003   128.171   129.490   130.057   131.015   132.022   133.040   134.438   135.074   136.28   137.098   138.2251   139.006   140.595