
Introduction Finance University Michigan Gautam Kaul 2012
  • MP4_Welcome1 - 1 - Welcome Video (1944).mp471.17MB
  • MP4Week 89 - 2 - 8.2 Diversification 2 Assets (2429).mp457.19MB
  • MP4Week 78 - 8 - 7.8 Back to Risk Diversification (2523).mp456.19MB
  • MP4Week 12 - 1 - 1.1 Introduction Why Finance (1857).mp455.67MB
  • MP4Week 56 - 6 - 5.6 Sources of Risk in Bonds (2152).mp450.23MB
  • MP4Week 12 - 2 - 1.2 Introduction Class Infortion (15).mp448.50MB
  • MP4Week 67 - 3 - 6.3 Stock Pricing_Valuation (21.53).mp446.13MB
  • MP4Week 34 - 2 - 3.2 Decision Criteria NPV (2009).mp446.07MB
  • MP4Week 67 - 4 - 6.4 Dividend Growth Stocks (22.51).mp445.91MB
  • MP4Week 56 - 3 - 5.3 Zero-Coupon Government Bonds (2007).mp445.40MB
  • MP4Week 1011 - 3 - 10.3 Valuation in Takeaways (12.54).mp443.71MB
  • MP4Week 34 - 1 - 3.1 Recap Week 2 (2209).mp443.30MB
  • MP4Week 12 - 6 - 1.6 Simple FV Example (1954).mp442.67MB
  • MP4Week 23 - 3 - 2.3 FV of Annuity Example 1 (2008).mp441.98MB
  • MP4Week 56 - 1 - 5.1 Recap Week 4 (1718).mp441.85MB
  • MP4Week 89 - 7 - 8.7 Risk Return rket Analysis (16.0) .mp441.47MB
  • MP4Week 78 - 5 - 7.5 Statistics Mean Variance (1825).mp440.67MB
  • MP4Week 67 - 5 - 6.5 The Engine of Growth (17.28).mp440.62MB
  • MP4Week 45 - 6 - 4.6 Cash Flows A Template (1656).mp440.42MB
  • MP4Week 89 - 5 - 8.5 Measure of Risk Beta (17.56).mp440.37MB
  • MP4Week 45 - 7 - 4.7 Cash Flows Capital Items (1437).mp440.33MB
  • MP4Week 89 - 6 - 8.6 Risk Return CAPM (18.43).mp440.17MB
  • MP4Week 34 - 3 - 3.3 NPV Intuition Beauty (1855).mp439.65MB
  • MP4Week 89 - 4 - 8.4 Diversification Bottom Line (20.34).mp439.44MB
  • MP4Week 34 - 5 - 3.5 Decision Criteria Payback (1544).mp439.35MB
  • MP4Week 45 - 2 - 4.2 IRR Bias I (2056).mp438.26MB
  • MP4Week 89 - 1 - 8.1 Recap Week 7 (1638).mp438.06MB
  • MP4Week 23 - 7 - 2.7 A Loan The Power of Finance (2050).mp437.89MB
  • MP4Week 12 - 8 - 1.8 Simple Present Value (PV) (1714).mp436.57MB
  • MP4Week 910 - 1 - 9.1 Recap Week 8 (17.41).mp435.61MB
  • MP4Week 45 - 5 - 4.5 Cash Flows Basics (1527).mp435.21MB
  • MP4Week 1011 - 4 - 10.4 Final the Future (14.45).mp435.08MB
  • MP4Week 910 - 18 - 9.18 Wrap Up Real World Twists (14.44).mp434.27MB
  • MP4Week 45 - 9 - 4.9 Cash Flows Important Principles II (1556).mp433.69MB
  • MP4Week 910 - 3 - 9.3 Leverage Risk (14.56).mp433.61MB
  • MP4Week 23 - 6 - 2.6 PV of Annuity Examples (1720).mp433.48MB
  • MP4Week 56 - 2 - 5.2 Financing Bonds and Stocks (1358).mp432.82MB
  • MP4Week 910 - 5 - 9.5 Valuation Mega Example Set Up (15.13).mp432.80MB
  • MP4Week 67 - 8 - 6.8 Good or Bad Growth (16.19).mp432.65MB
  • MP4Week 12 - 3 - 1.3 Time Value of Money (TVM) (1212).mp432.60MB
  • MP4Week 78 - 6 - 7.6 Statistics Covariance Correlation (1334).mp431.77MB
  • MP4Week 56 - 4 - 5.4 Government Coupon Bonds (1526).mp431.34MB
  • MP4Week 67 - 2 - 6.2 What is a Stock (13.33).mp431.19MB
  • MP4Week 34 - 7 - 3.7 IRR Graphical Representation (1556).mp430.48MB
  • MP4Week 78 - 7 - 7.7 Statistics Regression (1355).mp430.04MB
  • MP4Week 78 - 4 - 7.4 What is Risk (1331).mp429.84MB
  • MP4Week 45 - 8 - 4.8 Cash Flows Important Principles I (1351).mp429.61MB
  • MP4Week 78 - 3 - 7.3 Valuation Risk Estition (1133).mp429.29MB
  • MP4Week 23 - 10 - 2.10 Mega Example Putting it All Together (1600).mp428.99MB
  • MP4Week 1011 - 1 - 10.1 Value Creation Measurement (15.08).mp428.92MB
  • MP4Week 1011 - 5 - 10.5 Final Thoughts (12.26).mp428.86MB
  • MP4Week 910 - 2 - 9.2 Cost of Capital WACC (13.53).mp428.27MB
  • MP4Week 12 - 4 - 1.4 Simple Future Value (FV) (1447).mp428.23MB
  • MP4Week 23 - 2 - 2.2 FV of Annuity Concept (1424).mp428.00MB
  • MP4Week 34 - 6 - 3.6 Decision Criteria IRR (1336).mp427.69MB
  • MP4Week 34 - 4 - 3.4 NPV Properties Formula (947).mp426.54MB
  • MP4Week 23 - 9 - 2.9 Valuing Perpetuities (1246).mp426.52MB
  • MP4Week 45 - 3 - 4.3 IRR Bias II (1348).mp426.06MB
  • MP4Week 78 - 2 - 7.2 Why Risk Return (1238).mp425.82MB
  • MP4Week 56 - 5 - 5.5 Bond Pricing Calculations (1008).mp425.77MB
  • MP4Week 1011 - 2 - 10.2 Finance Valuable to Anyone.mp425.40MB
  • MP4Week 56 - 7 - 5.7 rket Data on Bonds (1042).mp424.91MB
  • MP4Week 34 - 8 - 3.8 IRR A Practical Issue (1127).mp424.53MB
  • MP4Week 67 - 6 - 6.6 Valuation the Big Picture (10.16).mp423.94MB
  • MP4Week 89 - 3 - 8.3 Diversification Two Assets Intuition (1045).mp423.03MB
  • MP4Week 12 - 5 - 1.5 Simple FV... (1006).mp421.71MB
  • MP4Week 23 - 4 - 2.4 FV of Annuity Example 2 (1016).mp421.27MB
  • MP4Week 23 - 1 - 2.1 Recap Week 1 (738).mp420.19MB
  • MP4Week 23 - 8 - 2.8 Compounding (1031).mp419.40MB
  • MP4Week 45 - 4 - 4.4 IRR Properties (827).mp418.60MB
  • MP4Week 45 - 1 - 4.1 Recap Week 3 (825).mp418.04MB
  • MP4Week 910 - 4 - 9.4 Leverage WACC (9.10).mp418.00MB
  • MP4Week 78 - 1 - 7.1 Recap Week 6 (746).mp417.09MB
  • MP4Week 67 - 1 - 6.1 Recap Week 5 (8.24).mp417.00MB
  • MP4Week 23 - 5 - 2.5 PV of Annuity Concept (838).mp416.04MB
  • MP4Week 910 - 17 - 9.17 Mega Example Question 7 Analysis (6.20).mp415.88MB
  • MP4Week 12 - 7 - 1.7 Simple FV Example 2 (541).mp414.39MB
  • MP4Week 910 - 13 - 9.13 Mega Example Question 4 Analysis (7.03).mp414.31MB
  • MP4Week 67 - 7 - 6.7 What is Growth (6.54).mp413.77MB
  • MP4Week 910 - 16 - 9.16 Mega Example Question 6 Analysis (4.50).mp410.52MB
  • MP4Week 910 - 7 - 9.7 Mega Example Question 1 Analysis (5.57).mp410.43MB
  • MP4Week 910 - 9 - 9.9 Mega Example Question 2 Analysis (5.53).mp410.19MB
  • MP4Week 910 - 14 - 9.14 Mega Example Question 5 Analysis (3.49).mp49.81MB
  • MP4Week 910 - 11 - 9.11 Mega Example Question 3 Analysis (4.36).mp49.00MB
  • MP4Week 910 - 15 - 9.15 Mega Example Question 6 (1.46).mp45.62MB
  • MP4Week 910 - 6 - 9.6 Mega Example Question 1 (2.04).mp44.96MB
  • MP4Week 910 - 12 - 9.12 Mega Example Question 4 (1.26).mp44.78MB
  • MP4Week 910 - 10 - 9.10 Mega Example Question 3 (1.08).mp43.66MB
  • MP4Week 910 - 8 - 9.8 Mega Example Question 2 (0.54).mp42.32MB
Latest Search: 1.CRAD-049   2.ATOM-017   3.DOSA-017   4.FSET-244   5.ONSD-640   6.ATKD-193   7.SDDM-730   8.GEN-018   9.DDJ-001   10.WAKA-708   11.FN-055D   12.NOV-8282   13.HERZ-007   14.CWL-004   15.T28-122   16.GWAZ-050   17.HNDB-049   18.REQ-205   19.SESA-008   20.VNDS-2285   21.HNDB-078   22.MIBD-968   23.IENE-634   24.ARM-490   25.PDZ-123   26.SERO-357   27.PBD-337   28.GYAZ-145   29.LZWM-023   30.SGM-001   31.ATKD-272   32.EVIS-240   33.HIGH-240   34.SVOMN-117   35.GS-1908   36.NASS-965   37.SSNI-472   38.GDJU-092   39.035   40.013   41.351   42.226   43.252   44.35   45.617   46.229   47.13   48.001   49.003   50.1317   51.510   52.027   53.121   54.025   55.570   56.053   57.083   58.261   59.057   60.010   61.025   62.140   63.483   64.366   65.190   66.1001   67.569   68.683   69.225   70.155   71.063   72.081   73.674   74.001   75.379   76.596   77.03   78.728   79.019   80.782