
Natural Language Processing
  • MP41 - 1 - Course Introduction (14_11).mp412.26MB
  • MP410 - 1 - What is Relation Extraction_ (9_47).mp410.19MB
  • MP410 - 2 - Using Patterns to Extract Relations (6_17).mp46.08MB
  • MP410 - 3 - Supervised Relation Extraction (10_51).mp410.31MB
  • MP410 - 4 - Semi-Supervised and Unsupervised Relation Extraction (9_53).mp410.06MB
  • MP411 - 1 - The ximum Entropy Model Presentation (12_14).mp417.28MB
  • MP411 - 2 - Feature Overlap_Feature Interaction (12_51).mp412.63MB
  • MP411 - 3 - Conditional xent Models for Classification (4_11).mp44.79MB
  • MP411 - 4 - oothing_Regularization_Priors for xent Models (29_24).mp428.80MB
  • MP412 - 1 - An Intro to Parts of Speech and POS Tagging (13_19).mp411.88MB
  • MP412 - 2 - Some Methods and Results on Sequence Models for POS Tagging (13_04).mp412.82MB
  • MP413 - 1 - Syntactic Structure_ Constituency vs Dependency (8_46).mp48.96MB
  • MP413 - 2 - Empirical_Data-Driven Approach to Parsing (7_11).mp47.24MB
  • MP413 - 3 - The Exponential Problem in Parsing (14_30).mp414.87MB
  • MP414 - 1 - Instructor Chat (9_02).mp423.78MB
  • MP415 - 1 - CFGs and PCFGs (15_29).mp416.65MB
  • MP415 - 2 - Gramr Transforms (12_05).mp412.05MB
  • MP415 - 3 - CKY Parsing (23_25).mp426.18MB
  • MP415 - 4 - CKY Example (21_52).mp423.44MB
  • MP415 - 5 - Constituency Parser Evaluation (9_45).mp410.66MB
  • MP416 - 1 - Lexicalization of PCFGs (7_03).mp47.12MB
  • MP416 - 2 - Charniak_\s Model (18_23).mp418.96MB
  • MP416 - 3 - PCFG Independence Assumptions (9_44).mp49.83MB
  • MP416 - 4 - The Return of Unlexicalized PCFGs (20_53).mp421.22MB
  • MP416 - 5 - Latent Variable PCFGs (12_07).mp412.55MB
  • MP417 - 1 - Dependency Parsing Introduction (10_25).mp411.15MB
  • MP417 - 2 - Greedy Transition-ba< x> sed Parsing (31_05).mp431.36MB
  • MP417 - 3 - Dependencies Encode Relational Structure (7_20).mp47.24MB
  • MP418 - 1 - Introduction to Infortion Retrieval (9_16).mp49.06MB
  • MP418 - 2 - Term-Document Incidence trices (8_59).mp49.02MB
  • MP418 - 3 - The Inverted Index (10_42).mp410.71MB
  • MP418 - 4 - Query Processing with the Inverted Index (6_43).mp46.74MB
  • MP418 - 5 - Phrase Queries and Positional Indexes (19_45).mp420.60MB
  • MP419 - 1 - Introducing Ranked Retrieval (4_27).mp44.58MB
  • MP419 - 2 - Scoring with the Jaccard Coefficient (5_06).mp45.39MB
  • MP419 - 3 - Term Frequency Weighting (5_59).mp46.36MB
  • MP419 - 4 - Inverse Document Frequency Weighting (10_16).mp411.12MB
  • MP419 - 5 - TF-IDF Weighting (3_42).mp44.10MB
  • MP419 - 6 - The Vector Space Model (16_22).mp416.93MB
  • MP419 - 7 - Calculating TF-IDF Cosine Scores (12_47).mp413.23MB
  • MP419 - 8 - Evaluating Search Engines (9_02).mp48.82MB
  • MP42 - 1 - Regular ex< x> pressions (11_25).mp410.85MB
  • MP42 - 2 - Regular ex< x> pressions in Practical NLP (6_04).mp47.96MB
  • MP42 - 3 - Word Tokenization (14_26).mp412.47MB
  • MP42 - 4 - Word Norlization and Stemming (11_47).mp410.08MB
  • MP42 - 5 - Sentence Segmentation (5_31).mp44.97MB
  • MP420 - 1 - Word Senses and Word Relations (11_50).mp414.89MB
  • MP420 - 2 - WordNet and Other Online Thesauri (6_23).mp48.75MB
  • MP420 - 3 - Word Similarity and Thesaurus Methods (16_17).mp420.24MB
  • MP420 - 4 - Word Similarity_ Distributional Similarity I (13_14).mp415.03MB
  • MP420 - 5 - Word Similarity_ Distributional Similarity II (8_15).mp49.46MB
  • MP421 - 1 - What is Question Answering_ (7_28).mp48.89MB
  • MP421 - 2 - Answer Types and Query Formulation (8_47).mp410.12MB
  • MP421 - 3 - Passage Retrieval and Answer Extraction (6_38).mp47.68MB
  • MP421 - 4 - Using Knowledge in QA (4_25).mp45.27MB
  • MP421 - 5 - Advanced_ Answering Complex Questions (4_52).mp46.17MB
  • MP422 - 1 - Introduction to Sumrization.mp46.02MB
  • MP422 - 2 - Generating Snippets.mp49.61MB
  • MP422 - 3 - Evaluating Sumries_ ROUGE.mp46.53MB
  • MP422 - 4 - Sumrizing Multiple Documents.mp413.40MB
  • MP423 - 1 - Instructor Chat II (5_23).mp418.63MB
  • MP43 - 1 - Defining Minimum Edit Distance (7_04).mp46.60MB
  • MP43 - 2 - Computing Minimum Edit Distance (5_54).mp45.38MB
  • MP43 - 3 - Backtrace for Computing Alignments (5_55).mp45.53MB
  • MP43 - 4 - Weighted Minimum Edit Distance (2_47).mp42.83MB
  • MP43 - 5 - Minimum Edit Distance in Computational Biology (9_29).mp48.95MB
  • MP44 - 1 - Introduction to N-grams (8_41).mp47.64MB
  • MP44 - 2 - Estiting N-gram Probabilities (9_38).mp49.48MB
  • MP44 - 3 - Evaluation and Perplexity (11_09).mp49.60MB
  • MP44 - 4 - Generalization and Zeros (5_15).mp44.67MB
  • MP44 - 5 - oothing_ Add-One (6_30).mp46.04MB
  • MP44 - 6 - Interpolation (10_25).mp49.38MB
  • MP44 - 7 - Good-Turing oothing (15_35).mp413.44MB
  • MP44 - 8 - Kneser-Ney oothing (8_59).mp48.44MB
  • MP45 - 1 - The Spelling Correction Task (5_39).mp44.84MB
  • MP45 - 2 - The sy Channel Model of Spelling (19_30).mp417.79MB
  • MP45 - 3 - Real-Word Spelling Correction (9_19).mp48.56MB
  • MP45 - 4 - State of the Art Systems (7_10).mp46.61MB
  • MP46 - 1 - What is Text Classification_ (8_12).mp47.70MB
  • MP46 - 2 - Naive Bayes (3_19).mp43.25MB
  • MP46 - 3 - Forlizing the Naive Bayes Classifier (9_28).mp48.19MB
  • MP46 - 4 - Naive Bayes_ Learning (5_22).mp46.18MB
  • MP46 - 5 - Naive Bayes_ Relationship to Language Modeling (4_35).mp44.09MB
  • MP46 - 6 - Multinomial Naive Bayes_ A Worked Example (8_58).mp411.38MB
  • MP46 - 7 - Precision Recall and the F measure (16_16).mp415.72MB
  • MP46 - 8 - Text Classification_ Evaluation (7_17).mp411.54MB
  • MP46 - 9 - Practical Issues in Text Classification (5_56).mp46.56MB
  • MP47 - 1 - What is Sentiment Analysis_ (7_17).mp49.56MB
  • MP47 - 2 - Sentiment Analysis_ A ba< x> seline algorithm (13_27).mp413.18MB
  • MP47 - 3 - Sentiment Lexicons (8_37).mp410.58MB
  • MP47 - 4 - Learning Sentiment Lexicons (14_45).mp418.65MB
  • MP47 - 5 - Other Sentiment Tasks (11_01).mp414.53MB
  • MP48 - 1 - Generative vs. Discriminative Models (7_49).mp47.92MB
  • MP48 - 2 - king features from text for discriminative NLP models (18_11).mp416.66MB
  • MP48 - 3 - Feature-ba< x> sed Linear Classifiers (13_34).mp413.46MB
  • MP48 - 4 - Building a xent Model_ The Nuts and Bolts (8_04).mp47.80MB
  • MP48 - 5 - Generative vs. Discriminative models_ The problem of overcounting evidence (12_15).mp412.22MB
  • MP48 - 6 - ximizing the Likelihood (10_29).mp49.83MB
  • MP49 - 1 - Introduction to Infortion Extraction (9_18).mp49.39MB
  • MP49 - 2 - Evaluation of Named Entity Recognition (6_34).mp46.75MB
  • MP49 - 3 - Sequence Models for Named Entity Recognition (15_05).mp414.15MB
  • MP49 - 4 - ximum Entropy Sequence Models (13_01).mp413.30MB
Latest Search: 1.DV-576   2.GIGR-002   3.KTDS-502   4.JUSD-318   5.RKI-194   6.TYWD-018   7.CERO-0002   8.XV-098   9.RKI-079   10.RADD-106   11.FAX-142   12.PPPD-221   13.IEND-006   14.ARM-225   15.SDMT-763   16.NSPS-114   17.RG-333   18.GQR-025   19.NEWS-108   20.RD-419   21.MBD-035   22.AUKG-015   23.UD-539R   24.KTDS-658   25.GASO-004   26.MBYD-214   27.URVK-007   28.RBB-011   29.TURA-173   30.EMAZ-305   31.FABS-069   32.ARM-524   33.NNPJ-184   34.RD-834   35.ARM-687   36.VNDS-3285   37.KCDA-265   38.STARS-173   39.TIKF-042   40.742   41.010   42.207   43.149   44.05   45.106   46.332   47.005   48.294   49.090   50.022   51.584   52.06   53.348   54.122   55.712   56.334   57.12032   58.512   59.661   60.070   61.349   62.240   63.398   64.142   65.091   66.634   67.463   68.156   69.398   70.011   71.112   72.10   73.069   74.396   75.   76.065   77.042   78.204   79.023   80.5119   81.021   82.016   83.385   84.015   85.061   86.023   87.002   88.738   89.163   90.015   91.371   92.   93.025   94.16   95.456   96.158   97.217   98.074   99.062   100.001   101.101   102.552   103.040   104.003   105.035   106.747   107.9020   108.1507   109.939