
Tibetan Buddhi upe
  • PDFBardor Tulku Rinpoche - The Practice of Green Tara.pdf8.57MB
  • PDFBellezza John Vincent - Divine Dyads_Ancient Civilization in Tibet (Missing Pages 381-384).pdf35.47MB
  • PDFBokar Rinpoche - Chenrezig Lord of Love.pdf13.52MB
  • PDFBrunnhölzl Karl - Gone Beyond vol.1.pdf64.17MB
  • PDFBrunnhölzl Karl - Luminous Heart_The Third Karpa on Consciousness Wisdom and Buddha Nature.pdf7.45MB
  • PDFCataphatic Emptiness_rGyal-Tshab on the Buddha Essence Theory of Asanga\s Ratnagotribhagavyakhya.pdf26.82MB
  • PDFCelibacy Revelations Reincarnated las_Growth of monastici at Katok 17th-19th-c.pdf2.59MB
  • PDFChagdud Khandro - P\Howa Commentary.pdf1.85MB
  • PDFChokyi Nyi Rinpoche - The Bardo Guidebook.pdf8.84MB
  • PDFCortland Dahl - Entrance to the Great Perfection_A Guide to the Dzogchen Preliminary Practices.pdf1.16MB
  • PDFDalpo Tashi Namgyal - Clarifying the Natural State.pdf5.35MB
  • PDFDharraksita - The Wheel of Sharp Weapons (tr.Geshe Ngawang Dhargye).pdf4.35MB
  • PDFDilgo Khyenrse Rinpoche - Illuminating the Profound Path.pdf2.36MB
  • PDFDilgo Khyentse Rinpoche - Guru Yoga.pdf4.30MB
  • PDFDrikung Chetsang - Practice of hamudra.pdf612.25KB
  • PDFDrubwang Tsoknyi Rinpoche - Carefree Dignity_Discourses on Training in the Nature of the Mind.pdf4.56MB
  • PDFDuckworth Douglas Samuel - Buddha Nature in the works of Mi-pham.pdf1.51MB
  • PDFDudjom Lingpa - Buddhahood Without Meditation.pdf9.72MB
  • PDFDudjom Rinpoche - A Torch Lighting the Way to Freedom.pdf1.31MB
  • PDFDuff Tony - Gampopa\s hamudra.pdf10.02MB
  • PDFDzigar Kongtrul - Uncommon Happiness_The Path of the Compassionate Warrior.pdf527.80KB
  • PDFDzongsar Khyentse Longchen - Nyingthig Practice nual.pdf1.98MB
  • PDFErik Pe Kunsang & Marcia Binder Schmidt - Treasures From Juniper Ridge.pdf7.98MB
  • PDFErik Pe Kunsang (tr.) - Dzogchen Essentials_The Path that Clarifies Confusion.pdf2.22MB
  • PDFFormer Lives of the Karpas as told by the 15th and the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa.pdf18.11MB
  • PDFGa Raampa - To Dispel the Misery of the World_Whispered Teachings of the Bodhisattvas.pdf849.93KB
  • PDFGar Chang - Teachings of Tibetan Yoga.pdf5.44MB
  • PDFGar Chang - The six yogas of Naropa and teachings on Mahamudra.pdf1.40MB
  • PDFGedun Choephel - The White Annals.pdf3.80MB
  • PDFGeshe Jampa Gyatso - Commentary to an Ornament for Clear Realization.pdf4.81MB
  • PDFGoldstein Melvyn C. - Buddhi in Contemporary Tibet_Religious Revival and Cultural Identity.pdf5.24MB
  • PDFGuenther Herbert - The Full-Fledged Khyung-chen Bird_An Essay in Freedom as the Dynamics of Being.pdf4.90MB
  • DJVUHopkins Jeffrey - Emptiness in the Mind-Only School of Buddhi.djvu16.24MB
  • PDFJamgon Ameshap Ngawang Sonam - A Pleasure Grove Where Satisfaction Arises for the Intelligent.pdf1.81MB
  • PDFJamgon Kongtrul - Creation and Completion_Essential Points of Tantric Meditation.pdf10.98MB
  • PDFJigme Lingpa - Deity ntra and wisdom_Development stage meditation in Tibetan Buddhist tantra.pdf10.57MB
  • PDFKalu Rinpoche - Dhar That Illuminates All Beings Like the Light of the Sun and the Moon.pdf11.98MB
  • PDFKalu Rinpoche - Luminous Mind_The Way of the Buddha.pdf17.01MB
  • PDFKapstein M. & van Schaik Sam (eds) - Esoteric Buddhi at Dunhuang.pdf8.18MB
  • PDFKar Thinley - The History of the Sixteen Karmapas of Tibet.pdf9.85MB
  • PDFKhamtul Rinpoche - Dzogchen Meditation Missing-Page-VII.pdf5.49MB
  • PDFKhandro Rinpoche - The Precious Life_Tibetan Buddhist Teachings on the Path to Enlightenment.pdf8.12MB
  • PDFKhenchen Konchog Gyaltshen - Garland of hamudra Practices.pdf6.16MB
  • PDFKhenchen Thrangu Rinpoche - On Buddha Essence_A Commentary on Ranjung Dorjes\s Treatise.pdf10.00MB
  • PDFKhenchen Thrangu Rinpoche - Pointing Out the Dharkaya.pdf1.05MB
  • PDFKhenchen Thrangu Rinpoche - The Practice of Tranquillity and Insight.pdf2.61MB
  • PDFKhenpo Konchog Gyaltsen - The Great Kagyu sters_The Golden Lineage Treasury.pdf13.51MB
  • PDFKhenpo Konchog Gyaltshen (tr.) - The Jewel Treasury of Advice_The Wisdom of Drikung Bhande Dharradza.pdf3.12MB
  • PDFKyae Trijang Dorje Chang - Music Delighting the Ocean of Protectors.pdf1.58MB
  • PDFLati Rinbochay - Mind in Tibetan Buddhi.pdf14.66MB
  • PDFLions Gaze_Dzogchen Buddhi.pdf3.28MB
  • PDFLongchenpa (tr.Herbert Guenther) - Kindly Bent to Ease Us_Part One-Mind.pdf15.89MB
  • PDFLongchenpa (tr.Herbert Guenther) - Kindly Bent to Ease Us_Part Two-Meditation.pdf4.08MB
  • PDFrco Pallis (Thubden Tendzin) - The Way and the Mountain_Tibet Buddhi and Tradition.pdf3.54MB
  • PDFthes Klaus-Dieter - A direct path to the Buddha within_Go Lotsawa\s Mahamudra interpretation of the Ratnagotribhaga.pdf34.92MB
  • PDFtthew Kapstein & Sam van Schaick (ed.) - Esoteric Buddhi at Dunhuang.pdf8.18MB
  • PDFya Yoga_Longchenpa’s finding comfort and ease in enchantment.pdf2.14MB
  • PDFMipham - Gateway to Knowledge Vol I.pdf2.11MB
  • PDFMipham - Gateway to Knowledge Vol II.pdf2.45MB
  • PDFMipham - Gateway to Knowledge Vol III.pdf2.75MB
  • PDFMoran Peter - Buddhi Observed_Trelers Exiles and Tibetan Dhar in Kathmandu.pdf5.01MB
  • PDFNam-mkha\I Snying Po - Mother of Knowledge_The Enligtment of Yeshe Tsogyal.pdf20.55MB
  • PDFNeuier Dargyay (tr.) - The Sovereign All-Creating Mind_the Motherly Buddha.pdf1.15MB
  • PDFNewland Guy - Compassion_A Tibetan Analysis.pdf9.43MB
  • PDFNewn Bruce - A Beginners Guide to Tibetan Buddhi_Notes From a Practitioners Journey.pdf7.07MB
  • PDFPadsambha & Yeshe Tsogyal - The Legend of the Great Stupa & The Life Story of the Lotus Born Guru.pdf8.16MB
  • PDFRigdzin Namkhai Gyatso Rinpoche - The Life and Liberation of Urgyen Jigme Pälden Rinpoche.pdf1.05MB
  • PDFRiggs Nicole - Like an Illusion_Lives of the Shangpa Kagyu sters.pdf17.67MB
  • PDFRingu Tulku Rinpoche - Daring Steps_Trersing the Path of the Buddha.pdf1.10MB
  • PDFSakya Pandita Kunga Gyaltshen - A Clear Differentiation of the Three Codes.pdf6.20MB
  • PDFSamuels Geoffrey - Civilized Shans_Buddhi in Tibetan Societies.pdf27.65MB
  • PDFSermey Khensur Lobsang Tharchin - Sublime Path to Kechara Paradise.pdf16.67MB
  • PDFShechen Gyaltsap - A Practice of Padsambha.pdf2.99MB
  • PDFSogyal Rinpoche & Patrick Gaffney - Glimpse After Glimpse_Daily Reflections on Living and Dying.pdf839.69KB
  • PDFTarthang Tulku - Kum Nye_Tibetan Yoga.pdf7.34MB
  • PDFTarthang Tulku - Lineage of Diamond Light.pdf65.43MB
  • PDFThe Great Gate for Accomplishing Supreme Enlightenment.pdf1.84MB
  • PDFThe Kagyu Monlam Book_A Compilation for Recitation.pdf23.88MB
  • PDFThe oral instruction of Kun-zang La-rna on the preliminary Dzog-ch\en Long-ch\en Nying-tig vol.1.pdf24.55MB
  • PDFThe oral instruction of Kun-zang La-rna on the preliminary Dzog-ch\en Long-ch\en Nying-tig vol.2.pdf12.22MB
  • PDFThe Tibetan Book of the Dead_Trans. with comm. by Francesca Frentle & Chögyam Trungpa.pdf1.11MB
  • PDFThurn Robert F. - Essential Tibetan Buddhi.pdf3.35MB
  • PDFTsele Natsok Rangdrol - Empowerment and the Path of Liberation.pdf9.06MB
  • PDFTsong-Khapa Losang Drakpa - Brilliant Illumination of the Lamp of the Five Stages.pdf17.72MB
  • PDFTulku Thondup Rinpoche - Buddha Mind_An Anthology of Longchen Raam’s Writings on Dzogpa Chenpo.pdf12.20MB
  • PDFTulku Urgyen Rinpoche - Quintessential Dzogchen.pdf913.63KB
  • PDFTulku Urgyen Rinpoche - Vajra Heart.pdf5.58MB
  • PDFWangchug Dorje - hamudra_Eliminating the Darkness of Ignorance.pdf8.01MB
  • PDFWayn Alex - Chanting the Names of Manjushri.pdf12.31MB
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