
create your first rpg and fps multiplayer game unity
  • ZIP01 Introduction\\attached_files\\004 Se The Golem - Your First Unity3D Game\\/Save-The-Golem-Assets.zip14.81MB
  • ZIP01 Introduction\\attached_files\\004 Se The Golem - Your First Unity3D Game\\/Save-The-Golem-PROJECT.zip33.99MB
  • ZIP03 Awesome Knight Click And Point Unity3D Game\\attached_files\\024 Importing Assets And Organizing The Project\\/Assets.zip262.04MB
  • ZIP03 Awesome Knight Click And Point Unity3D Game\\attached_files\\024 Importing Assets And Organizing The Project\\/Awesome-Knight-Click-And-Point-Game.zip303.26MB
  • ZIP04 Anitions In Unity\\attached_files\\049 Importing Assets And Creating Animations\\/Animations-In-Unity-Assets.zip37.78MB
  • ZIP04 Anitions In Unity\\attached_files\\049 Importing Assets And Creating Animations\\/Animations-In-Unity-Unity-Project.zip76.74MB
  • ZIP06 First Person Shooter Multipla<x>yer Unity3D Game\\attached_files\\078 Importing Assets And Creating Our Tester Scene\\/Assets.zip89.42MB
  • ZIP06 First Person Shooter Multipla<x>yer Unity3D Game\\attached_files\\078 Importing Assets And Creating Our Tester Scene\\/FPS-Multipla<x>yer-Game.zip208.74MB
  • ZIP07 Light Effects In Unity\\attached_files\\098 Direction Lights And Skyboxes\\/Assets.zip39.53MB
  • ZIP07 Light Effects In Unity\\attached_files\\098 Direction Lights And Skyboxes\\/Lightning-And-Mood-In-Unity-Project.zip85.07MB
  • MP401 Introduction\\/001 Introduction - Watch This Before You Buy The Course Or If You Already Bought.mp456.17MB
  • MP401 Introduction\\/002 Downloading And Installing Unity.mp462.43MB
  • MP401 Introduction\\/003 Recommended Unity Version For The Course Dont Skip This Video.mp410.93MB
  • MP401 Introduction\\/004 Se The Golem - Your First Unity3D Game.mp4136.54MB
  • MP402 Learn To Code In C\\/005 Introduction To Variables.mp439.80MB
  • MP402 Learn To Code In C\\/006 Operations With Variables.mp434.29MB
  • MP402 Learn To Code In C\\/007 Functions.mp434.93MB
  • MP402 Learn To Code In C\\/008 Conditional Statements.mp447.88MB
  • MP402 Learn To Code In C\\/009 Loops.mp423.99MB
  • MP402 Learn To Code In C\\/010 Arrays.mp434.80MB
  • MP402 Learn To Code In C\\/011 Arrays And Functions.mp415.96MB
  • MP402 Learn To Code In C\\/012 Classes And ob<x>jects.mp447.79MB
  • MP402 Learn To Code In C\\/013 Constructors.mp424.74MB
  • MP402 Learn To Code In C\\/014 Passing Values And References To Function Parameters.mp417.04MB
  • MP402 Learn To Code In C\\/015 Data Encapsulation.mp430.69MB
  • MP402 Learn To Code In C\\/016 Inheritance.mp451.46MB
  • MP402 Learn To Code In C\\/017 MonoBehiour.mp452.69MB
  • MP402 Learn To Code In C\\/018 Static Variables And Functions.mp417.77MB
  • MP402 Learn To Code In C\\/019 Coroutines.mp431.19MB
  • MP402 Learn To Code In C\\/020 Delegates.mp443.95MB
  • MP402 Learn To Code In C\\/021 Enumerations.mp49.55MB
  • MP402 Learn To Code In C\\/022 Arrays And Lists.mp422.03MB
  • MP403 Awesome Knight Click And Point Unity3D Game\\/023 Awesome Knight Game Preview.mp418.18MB
  • MP403 Awesome Knight Click And Point Unity3D Game\\/024 Importing Assets And Organizing The Project.mp426.56MB
  • MP403 Awesome Knight Click And Point Unity3D Game\\/025 Terrains In Unity.mp429.63MB
  • MP403 Awesome Knight Click And Point Unity3D Game\\/026 terials Prefabs And Pla<x>yer Game ob<x>ject.mp468.30MB
  • MP403 Awesome Knight Click And Point Unity3D Game\\/027 Moving The Pla<x>yer.mp4117.74MB
  • MP403 Awesome Knight Click And Point Unity3D Game\\/028 Finishing Pla<x>yers Movement.mp449.31MB
  • MP403 Awesome Knight Click And Point Unity3D Game\\/029 Anitor And Animations In Unity.mp481.09MB
  • MP403 Awesome Knight Click And Point Unity3D Game\\/030 Camera Follow.mp455.53MB
  • MP403 Awesome Knight Click And Point Unity3D Game\\/031 Introduction To Particles.mp434.32MB
  • MP403 Awesome Knight Click And Point Unity3D Game\\/032 Stone Runes Circle.mp438.05MB
  • MP403 Awesome Knight Click And Point Unity3D Game\\/033 Mouse Pointer.mp440.81MB
  • MP403 Awesome Knight Click And Point Unity3D Game\\/034 Lights And Skyboxes.mp436.19MB
  • MP403 Awesome Knight Click And Point Unity3D Game\\/035 Unitys UI System.mp435.84MB
  • MP403 Awesome Knight Click And Point Unity3D Game\\/036 Creating Our Own UI.mp4133.72MB
  • MP403 Awesome Knight Click And Point Unity3D Game\\/037 Pla<x>yer Attack sc<x>ript.mp4162.02MB
  • MP403 Awesome Knight Click And Point Unity3D Game\\/038 Pla<x>yer Attack Effects.mp4104.47MB
  • MP403 Awesome Knight Click And Point Unity3D Game\\/039 Nigation In Unity.mp453.21MB
  • MP403 Awesome Knight Click And Point Unity3D Game\\/040 Enemy AI.mp4154.53MB
  • MP403 Awesome Knight Click And Point Unity3D Game\\/041 Enemy AI - Another Way.mp478.80MB
  • MP403 Awesome Knight Click And Point Unity3D Game\\/042 Skill Dage And Enemy Health.mp460.61MB
  • MP403 Awesome Knight Click And Point Unity3D Game\\/043 Fire Tornado Fire Shield And Heal sc<x>ripts.mp472.93MB
  • MP403 Awesome Knight Click And Point Unity3D Game\\/044 Enemy Attack sc<x>ript.mp477.26MB
  • MP403 Awesome Knight Click And Point Unity3D Game\\/045 Health Bar.mp449.56MB
  • MP403 Awesome Knight Click And Point Unity3D Game\\/046 Enemy Boss.mp4100.89MB
  • MP403 Awesome Knight Click And Point Unity3D Game\\/047 Boss Special Effect Dage.mp461.42MB
  • MP403 Awesome Knight Click And Point Unity3D Game\\/048 Removing The Cursor Point When Attacking.mp429.76MB
  • MP404 Anitions In Unity\\/049 Importing Assets And Creating Animations.mp464.08MB
  • MP404 Anitions In Unity\\/050 Animator Controller.mp460.62MB
  • MP404 Anitions In Unity\\/051 Animation Transitions.mp454.77MB
  • MP404 Anitions In Unity\\/052 Multiple Transition Conditions.mp446.75MB
  • MP404 Anitions In Unity\\/053 Jump Animations.mp456.23MB
  • MP405 Awesome Heroes RPG Game\\/054 Awesome HeroesRPG Game Preview.mp447.37MB
  • MP405 Awesome Heroes RPG Game\\/055 Importing Assets And Organizing The Project.mp421.33MB
  • MP405 Awesome Heroes RPG Game\\/056 Pla<x>yer Movement.mp4108.59MB
  • MP405 Awesome Heroes RPG Game\\/057 Pla<x>yer Anitions.mp433.54MB
  • MP405 Awesome Heroes RPG Game\\/058 Cameras Movement And Spherical Coordinates.mp483.31MB
  • MP405 Awesome Heroes RPG Game\\/059 MouseLock.mp422.21MB
  • MP405 Awesome Heroes RPG Game\\/060 Pla<x>yer Attack System.mp4117.02MB
  • MP405 Awesome Heroes RPG Game\\/061 Enemy AI System.mp493.94MB
  • MP405 Awesome Heroes RPG Game\\/062 Enemy Attack.mp4112.81MB
  • MP405 Awesome Heroes RPG Game\\/063 Pla<x>yer Dage System.mp464.94MB
  • MP405 Awesome Heroes RPG Game\\/0 Enemy Dage System.mp472.26MB
  • MP405 Awesome Heroes RPG Game\\/065 King Warrior And Cat Girl Characters.mp427.22MB
  • MP405 Awesome Heroes RPG Game\\/066 Creating Our in Menu.mp4109.49MB
  • MP405 Awesome Heroes RPG Game\\/067 Aniting Main Menu Camera.mp4168.10MB
  • MP405 Awesome Heroes RPG Game\\/068 Character Select Panel.mp4132.79MB
  • MP405 Awesome Heroes RPG Game\\/069 Changing Quality Settings In Our Game.mp489.09MB
  • MP405 Awesome Heroes RPG Game\\/070 Nigating Between Scenes And Loading Screen.mp4100.89MB
  • MP405 Awesome Heroes RPG Game\\/071 Gamenager And Spawning A Character In The Level.mp460.90MB
  • MP405 Awesome Heroes RPG Game\\/072 Nigating To Other Worlds.mp4149.63MB
  • MP405 Awesome Heroes RPG Game\\/073 Pla<x>yer UI Inventory.mp4134.97MB
  • MP405 Awesome Heroes RPG Game\\/074 Pla<x>yer Special Attack.mp450.45MB
  • MP405 Awesome Heroes RPG Game\\/075 Dead Effect.mp425.35MB
  • MP405 Awesome Heroes RPG Game\\/076 Adding People In Our Game.mp4110.68MB
  • MP406 First Person Shooter Multipla<x>yer Unity3D Game\\/077 First Person Shooter Multipla<x>yer Game Preview.mp432.53MB
  • MP406 First Person Shooter Multipla<x>yer Unity3D Game\\/078 Importing Assets And Creating Our Tester Scene.mp427.92MB
  • MP406 First Person Shooter Multipla<x>yer Unity3D Game\\/079 FPSController.mp479.19MB
  • MP406 First Person Shooter Multipla<x>yer Unity3D Game\\/080 FPouseLook.mp454.24MB
  • MP406 First Person Shooter Multipla<x>yer Unity3D Game\\/081 Crouch Sprint And Jump.mp488.27MB
  • MP406 First Person Shooter Multipla<x>yer Unity3D Game\\/082 Pla<x>yer Anitions And Blend Trees.mp4109.29MB
  • MP406 First Person Shooter Multipla<x>yer Unity3D Game\\/083 Pla<x>yer Weapons.mp446.74MB
  • MP406 First Person Shooter Multipla<x>yer Unity3D Game\\/084 Shoot And Reload Anitions Using Two Animation la<x>yers.mp486.22MB
  • MP406 First Person Shooter Multipla<x>yer Unity3D Game\\/085 Selecting Different Weapons.mp456.73MB
  • MP406 First Person Shooter Multipla<x>yer Unity3D Game\\/086 FPSHands.mp443.12MB
  • MP406 First Person Shooter Multipla<x>yer Unity3D Game\\/087 FPSHands Shooting.mp464.73MB
  • MP406 First Person Shooter Multipla<x>yer Unity3D Game\\/088 Creating A Crosshair For Our FPS Character.mp458.82MB
  • MP406 First Person Shooter Multipla<x>yer Unity3D Game\\/089 Intro To Unity Networking.mp423.43MB
  • MP406 First Person Shooter Multipla<x>yer Unity3D Game\\/090 Network nager And Your First Multipla<x>yer Game.mp472.23MB
  • MP406 First Person Shooter Multipla<x>yer Unity3D Game\\/091 Moving The Local Pla<x>yer And Tracking Movement Over The Network.mp496.63MB
  • MP406 First Person Shooter Multipla<x>yer Unity3D Game\\/092 Syncing The Camera View Over Network.mp4144.46MB
  • MP406 First Person Shooter Multipla<x>yer Unity3D Game\\/093 Syncing Anitions Over The Network.mp449.31MB
  • MP406 First Person Shooter Multipla<x>yer Unity3D Game\\/094 Dealing Dage And Sync Vars.mp454.31MB
  • MP406 First Person Shooter Multipla<x>yer Unity3D Game\\/095 Custom Network nager.mp453.12MB
  • MP406 First Person Shooter Multipla<x>yer Unity3D Game\\/096 Unity Multipla<x>yer Services And Hosting The Game Over The Internet.mp460.37MB
  • MP407 Light Effects In Unity\\/097 Lightning And Mood Preview.mp48.92MB
  • MP407 Light Effects In Unity\\/098 Direction Lights And Skyboxes.mp444.34MB
  • MP407 Light Effects In Unity\\/099 Point Lights.mp444.28MB
  • MP407 Light Effects In Unity\\/100 Spot Lights.mp416.08MB
  • MP407 Light Effects In Unity\\/101 Shadow Effects.mp423.42MB
  • MP407 Light Effects In Unity\\/102 Baking Lights.mp427.53MB
  • MP408 Updates\\/103 How To Change Screen Size In Game Tab.mp48.98MB
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