
AGI All papers
  • FLVConferenceSession 01 - Introductio - AI and AGI- Past, Present, and Future (Goertzel).flv151.05MB
  • PPTConferenceSession 01 - Introductio - AI and AGI- Past, Present, and Future (Goertzel).ppt14.71MB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 02 - Overview of AGI Research04 - Cognitive Architectures- Where Do We Go... (Duch, Oentaryo, Pasquier).mp471.66MB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 02 - Overview of AGI Research03 - Four Paths to AI (Connell, Livingston).mp460.67MB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 02 - Overview of AGI Research02 - Seven Principles of Synthetic Intelligence (Bach).mp456.56MB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 02 - Overview of AGI Research06 - Panel (Bach, Connell, Wang, Duch. session chair- Baum).mp450.49MB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 02 - Overview of AGI Research05 - What Do You Mean By 'AI'- (Wang).mp425.07MB
  • PPTConferenceSession 02 - Overview of AGI Research02 - Seven Principles of Synthetic Intelligence (Bach).ppt6.55MB
  • PPTConferenceSession 02 - Overview of AGI Research04 - Cognitive Architectures- Where Do We Go... (Duch, Oentaryo, Pasquier).ppt3.84MB
  • PPTConferenceSession 02 - Overview of AGI Research03 - Four Paths to AI (Connell, Livingston).ppt1.22MB
  • PPTConferenceSession 02 - Overview of AGI Research05 - What Do You Mean By 'AI'- (Wang).ppt364.00KB
  • PDFConferenceSession 02 - Overview of AGI Research02 - Seven Principles of Synthetic Intelligence (Bach).pdf315.40KB
  • PDFConferenceSession 02 - Overview of AGI Research04 - Cognitive Architectures- Where Do We Go... (Duch, Oentaryo, Pasquier).pdf187.33KB
  • FLVConferenceSession 03 - Architecture of AGI Systems13 - Panel (Samsonovich, Arkin, Friedlander, Kühnberger, Pollock, Laird. chair- Adams).flv116.05MB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 03 - Architecture of AGI Systems07 - Governing Lethal Behior- Embedding Ethics... (Arkin).mp442.84MB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 03 - Architecture of AGI Systems09 - Learning from Inconsistencies... (Kühnberger, Geibel, Gust, et al).mp434.16MB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 03 - Architecture of AGI Systems12 - Cognitive Constructor- An Intelligent... (Samsonovich, de Jong, Kitsantas, et al).mp432.99MB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 03 - Architecture of AGI Systems08 - LIDA and a Theory of Mind (Friedlander, Franklin).mp432.74MB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 03 - Architecture of AGI Systems10 - Extending the Soar Cognitive Architecture (Laird).mp432.32MB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 03 - Architecture of AGI Systems11 - OSCAR- An Architecture for Generally Intelligent Agents (Pollock).mp431.81MB
  • PPTConferenceSession 03 - Architecture of AGI Systems12 - Cognitive Constructor- An Intelligent... (Samsonovich, de Jong, Kitsantas, et al).ppt7.57MB
  •  (KÜHNBERGER, GEIBEL, GUST, ET AL)ConferenceSession 03 - Architecture of AGI Systems09 - Learning from Inconsistencies... (Kühnberger, Geibel, Gust, et al)2.33MB
  • PPTConferenceSession 03 - Architecture of AGI Systems10 - Extending the Soar Cognitive Architecture (Laird).ppt1.33MB
  • PDFConferenceSession 03 - Architecture of AGI Systems12 - Cognitive Constructor- An Intelligent... (Samsonovich, de Jong, Kitsantas, et al).pdf841.97KB
  • PPTConferenceSession 03 - Architecture of AGI Systems08 - LIDA and a Theory of Mind (Friedlander, Franklin).ppt655.50KB
  • PDFConferenceSession 03 - Architecture of AGI Systems07 - Governing Lethal Behior- Embedding Ethics... (Arkin).pdf601.72KB
  • PDFConferenceSession 03 - Architecture of AGI Systems08 - LIDA and a Theory of Mind (Friedlander, Franklin).pdf335.54KB
  • PDFConferenceSession 03 - Architecture of AGI Systems11 - OSCAR- An Architecture for Generally Intelligent Agents (Pollock).pdf312.74KB
  • PDFConferenceSession 03 - Architecture of AGI Systems10 - Extending the Soar Cognitive Architecture (Laird).pdf247.13KB
  • PPTConferenceSession 03 - Architecture of AGI Systems07 - Governing Lethal Behior- Embedding Ethics... (Arkin).ppt129.50KB
  • PDFConferenceSession 03 - Architecture of AGI Systems09 - Learning from Inconsistencies... (Kühnberger, Geibel, Gust, et al).pdf122.19KB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 04 - Language and Cognition19 - Panel (Quinton, Murugesan. session chair- Reed).mp473.36MB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 04 - Language and Cognition16 - Anticipative Coordinated Cognitive Processes... (Quinton, Buisson, Perotto).mp439.30MB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 04 - Language and Cognition15 - A Cognitive Substrate for Natural Language... (Cassitis, Murugesan, Bugajska).mp436.41MB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 04 - Language and Cognition18 - Natural Language Approach of the Texai Project (Reed).mp430.12MB
  • PPTConferenceSession 04 - Language and Cognition16 - Anticipative Coordinated Cognitive Processes... (Quinton, Buisson, Perotto).ppt5.62MB
  • PPTConferenceSession 04 - Language and Cognition15 - A Cognitive Substrate for Natural Language... (Cassitis, Murugesan, Bugajska).ppt404.00KB
  • PDFConferenceSession 04 - Language and Cognition14 - Language Processing in Hun Brain (Borzenko).pdf307.68KB
  • PDFConferenceSession 04 - Language and Cognition17 - Using Decision Trees to Model an Emotional... (Zadeh, Shouraki, Halati).pdf225.84KB
  • PDFConferenceSession 04 - Language and Cognition15 - A Cognitive Substrate for Natural Language... (Cassitis, Murugesan, Bugajska).pdf217.98KB
  • PDFConferenceSession 04 - Language and Cognition16 - Anticipative Coordinated Cognitive Processes... (Quinton, Buisson, Perotto).pdf195.52KB
  • PDFConferenceSession 05 - Poster Session27 - Analogy as Integrating Framework... (Schwering, Krumnack, Kühnberger, Gust).pdf893.28KB
  • PDFConferenceSession 05 - Poster Session31 - Text Disambiguation by Educable AI System (Voskresenskij).pdf310.06KB
  • PDFConferenceSession 05 - Poster Session21 - Distance-Based Non-Deterministic Sentics (Arieli, Zamansky).pdf203.39KB
  • PDFConferenceSession 05 - Poster Session30 - Real-time chine Deduction and AGI (Tripodes).pdf202.54KB
  • PDFConferenceSession 05 - Poster Session20 - Reasoning with Prioritized Data by Aggregation of Distance Functions (Arieli).pdf202.08KB
  • PDFConferenceSession 05 - Poster Session26 - Essential Phenomena of General Intelligence (Pickett, Miner, Oates).pdf178.43KB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 06 - Reasoning35 - Panel (Recanati, Ikle, Johnston. session chair- Omohundro).mp468.45MB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 06 - Reasoning34 - Hybrid Reasoning and the Future of Iconic Representations (Recanati).mp437.55MB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 06 - Reasoning32 - Probabilistic Quantifier Logic for General Intelligence... (Ikle, Goertzel).mp437.16MB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 06 - Reasoning33 - Comirit- Commonsense Reasoning by Integrating Sim. and Logic (Johnston, Williams).mp428.20MB
  • PPTConferenceSession 06 - Reasoning33 - Comirit- Commonsense Reasoning by Integrating Sim. and Logic (Johnston, Williams).ppt1.81MB
  • PDFConferenceSession 06 - Reasoning33 - Comirit- Commonsense Reasoning by Integrating Sim. and Logic (Johnston, Williams).pdf993.61KB
  • PPTConferenceSession 06 - Reasoning34 - Hybrid Reasoning and the Future of Iconic Representations (Recanati).ppt863.50KB
  • PDFConferenceSession 06 - Reasoning32 - Probabilistic Quantifier Logic for General Intelligence... (Ikle, Goertzel).pdf502.42KB
  • PDFConferenceSession 06 - Reasoning34 - Hybrid Reasoning and the Future of Iconic Representations (Recanati).pdf302.92KB
  • PPTConferenceSession 06 - Reasoning32 - Probabilistic Quantifier Logic for General Intelligence... (Ikle, Goertzel).ppt104.00KB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 07 - Learning41 - Panel (Milch, Taylor, Gottlieb, Hibbard. session chair- Hall).mp4108.06MB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 07 - Learning36 - Participating in Cognition- The Interactive Search... (Abkasis, Gottlieb, Itzchaki).mp447.17MB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 07 - Learning39 - A Computational Approxition to the AIXI Model (Pankov).mp434.98MB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 07 - Learning38 - AGI through Large-Scale, Multimodal Bayesian Learning (Milch).mp433.29MB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 07 - Learning37 - Adversarial Sequence Prediction (Hibbard).mp425.19MB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 07 - Learning40 - Transfer Learning and Intelligence- an Argument... (Taylor, Kuhlnn, Stone).mp425.06MB
  • PPTConferenceSession 07 - Learning40 - Transfer Learning and Intelligence- an Argument... (Taylor, Kuhlnn, Stone).ppt806.00KB
  • PPTConferenceSession 07 - Learning39 - A Computational Approxition to the AIXI Model (Pankov).ppt719.00KB
  • PPTConferenceSession 07 - Learning36 - Participating in Cognition- The Interactive Search... (Abkasis, Gottlieb, Itzchaki).ppt596.50KB
  • PPTConferenceSession 07 - Learning38 - AGI through Large-Scale, Multimodal Bayesian Learning (Milch).ppt566.50KB
  • PDFConferenceSession 07 - Learning39 - A Computational Approxition to the AIXI Model (Pankov).pdf168.92KB
  • PDFConferenceSession 07 - Learning40 - Transfer Learning and Intelligence- an Argument... (Taylor, Kuhlnn, Stone).pdf149.05KB
  • PDFConferenceSession 07 - Learning36 - Participating in Cognition- The Interactive Search... (Abkasis, Gottlieb, Itzchaki).pdf144.07KB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 08 - Virtually Embodied AI45 - Panel (Goertzel, Shilliday, gnusson. session chair- Verbek).mp498.86MB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 08 - Virtually Embodied AI43 - An Integrative Methodology for Teaching... (Goertzel, Pennachin, Geissweiller, et al).mp446.08MB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 08 - Virtually Embodied AI42 - Toward Cognitively Robust Synthetic Characters... (Bringsjord, Shilliday, Clark, et al).mp436.22MB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 08 - Virtually Embodied AI44 - Temporal Action Logic for Question Answering in... (gnusson, Doherty).mp429.87MB
  • PDFConferenceSession 08 - Virtually Embodied AI42 - Toward Cognitively Robust Synthetic Characters... (Bringsjord, Shilliday, Clark, et al).pdf3.40MB
  • PPTConferenceSession 08 - Virtually Embodied AI42 - Toward Cognitively Robust Synthetic Characters... (Bringsjord, Shilliday, Clark, et al).ppt2.84MB
  • PPTConferenceSession 08 - Virtually Embodied AI44 - Temporal Action Logic for Question Answering in... (gnusson, Doherty).ppt1006.49KB
  • PDFConferenceSession 08 - Virtually Embodied AI43 - An Integrative Methodology for Teaching... (Goertzel, Pennachin, Geissweiller, et al).pdf876.63KB
  • PDFConferenceSession 08 - Virtually Embodied AI44 - Temporal Action Logic for Question Answering in... (gnusson, Doherty).pdf108.21KB
  • FLVConferenceSession 09 - Catalyzing the Coming AGI Renaissance46 - Panel (Wang, Goertzel, Kühnberger. session chair- Franklin).flv209.65MB
  • FLVConferenceSession 10 - Neural Network and Brain Modeling51 - Panel (Achler, de Garis, Goertzel, Levy. session chair- Koene).flv100.82MB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 10 - Neural Network and Brain Modeling49 - How Might Probabilistic Reasoning Emerge from the Brain- (Goertzel, Pennachin).mp446.83MB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 10 - Neural Network and Brain Modeling50 - Vector Symbolic Architectures- A New Building terial for AGI (Levy, Gayler).mp443.68MB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 10 - Neural Network and Brain Modeling48 - The China-Brain Project... (de Garis, Tang Yu, Zhiyong, et al).mp438.60MB
  • MP4ConferenceSession 10 - Neural Network and Brain Modeling47 - Input Feedback Networks- Classification and Inference Based on... (Achler, Amir).mp425.93MB
  • PPTConferenceSession 10 - Neural Network and Brain Modeling47 - Input Feedback Networks- Classification and Inference Based on... (Achler, Amir).ppt826.00KB
  • PPTConferenceSession 10 - Neural Network and Brain Modeling50 - Vector Symbolic Architectures- A New Building terial for AGI (Levy, Gayler).ppt816.00KB
  • PDFConferenceSession 10 - Neural Network and Brain Modeling48 - The China-Brain Project... (de Garis, Yu, Zhiyong, et al).pdf637.19KB
  • PDFConferenceSession 10 - Neural Network and Brain Modeling49 - How Might Probabilistic Reasoning Emerge from the Brain- (Goertzel, Pennachin).pdf277.00KB
  • PPTConferenceSession 10 - Neural Network and Brain Modeling48 - The China-Brain Project... (de Garis, Yu, Zhiyong, et al).ppt277.00KB
  • PDFConferenceSession 10 - Neural Network and Brain Modeling47 - Input Feedback Networks- Classification and Inference Based on... (Achler, Amir).pdf235.99KB
  • PDFConferenceSession 10 - Neural Network and Brain Modeling50 - Vector Symbolic Architectures- A New Building terial for AGI (Levy, Gayler).pdf112.77KB
  • FLVConferenceSession 11 - Future Directions for AGI Research52 - Panel (Franklin, Duch, Omohundro, Laird, Looks, Wang. session chair- Goert).flv195.82MB
  • PDFConferencePoster.pdf128.63KB
  • MP4Workshop07 - The Law of Intended Consequences- Designing Possible Futures (Vita-More).mp468.26MB
  • MP4Workshop09 - The Basic AI Drives (Omohundro).mp443.10MB
  • MP4Workshop03 - Perspectives on AGI and the Singularity (Goertzel).mp438.56MB
  • MP4Workshop02 - Stages of Ethical Development in Artificial General Intelligence Systems (Goertzel, Bugaj).mp436.23MB
  • MP4Workshop01 - The Artilect War (de Garis).mp435.06MB
  • MP4Workshop10 - A Scientific Perspective on the Hard...(Samsonovich, Ascoli, Morowitz, Kalbfleisch).mp431.84MB
  • MP4Workshop08 - On the Broad Implications of Reinforcement Learning... (Livingston, Garvey, Elhanany).mp431.03MB
  • MP4Workshop04 - Engineering Uia (Hall).mp430.88MB
  • MP4Workshop06 - Open Source AI (Hibbard).mp424.83MB
  • MP4Workshop05 - OpenCog- A Software Framework for Integrative AGI (Hart, Goertzel).mp422.80MB
  • PDFWorkshop10 - A Scientific Perspective on the Hard...(Samsonovich, Ascoli, Morowitz, Kalbfleisch).pdf364.54KB
  • PDFWorkshop07 - The Law of Intended Consequences- Designing Possible Futures (Vita-More).pdf116.89KB
  • EXE_video playerVLC media playerVLC media player 1.0.1.exe17.18MB
  • EXEtranscripts.exe34.57MB
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