
Aricial intelligence Zipped
  • 7ZFUZZY SETS AND FUZZY LOGIC Theory and Applications - GEORGE J. KLIR BO YUAN.7z111.17MB
  • 7ZComputer Vision 2d ed - Dand h Ballard.7z94.57MB
  • 7ZMultiple View Geometry in Computer Vision 2ed - Hartley R. Zissern A.7z87.58MB
  • 7Zintroduction to linear algebra (4th 2009).7z84.97MB
  • 7ZHandbook Of thematical Models In Computer Vision - Nikos Paragios.7z82.98MB
  • 7ZArtificial Intelligence Structures And Strategies For Complex Problem Solving 3rd ed - George F Luger.7z51.05MB
  • 7ZLearning And Soft Computing - Support Vector chines Neural Networks And Fuzzy Logic Models - Vojisl Kecman.7z48.85MB
  • 7Zapplied linear statistical models (5th 2004).7z48.15MB
  • 7ZComputer Vision A Modern Approach - Forsyth Ponce.7z47.79MB
  • 7Zcalculus (spivak 3rd 1994).7z45.38MB
  • 7Zintroduction to evolutionary computing (2003).7z42.63MB
  • 7Zan introduction to probability theory and applications (vol2 1971).7z36.53MB
  • 7ZNeural Networks - A Comprehensive Foundation - Simon Haykin.7z36.32MB
  • 7ZPattern recognition and ige preprocessing 2nd ed -Sing T. Bow.7z36.26MB
  • 7Zchine Learning - Tom Mitchell.7z36.11MB
  • 7Zcalculus (strang 1991).7z28.85MB
  • 7ZThe Handbook Of Brain Theory And Neural Networks 2Nd Ed - Michael A Arbib.7z27.29MB
  • 7Zan introduction to probability theory and applications (vol1 3rd 1968).7z26.54MB
  • 7ZComputational Web Intelligence Intelligent Technology for Web Applications - Y.-Q. Zhang.7z25.83MB
  • 7ZHandbook of Computer Vision and Applications Volume 3 Systems and Applications - Bernd Jahne.7z25.45MB
  • 7ZFLEXIBLE NEURO-FUZZY SYSTEMS Structures Learning and Perfornce Evaluation - Leszek Rutkowski.7z24.65MB
  • 7ZThe Elements of Artificial Intelligence Using Lisp - Steven L. Tanimoto.7z24.52MB
  • 7Zfundamentals of trix computations (2nd 2002).7z23.53MB
  • 7ZArtificial Intelligence A Modern Approach - Stuart J. Russell Peter Norvig.7z22.06MB
  • 7ZStatic and Dynamic Neural Networks From Fundamentals to Advanced Theory - dan M. Gupta Liang Jin Noriyasu Homma.7z21.47MB
  • 7ZComputer Vision and Applications A Guide for Students and Practitioners - Bernd Jahne.7z21.12MB
  • 7ZMethods And Applications Of Artificial Intelligence - Themistoklis Panayiooulos.7z20.59MB
  • 7ZThe Art of Prolog 2nd Ed - Leon Sterling Ehud Shapiro.7z20.17MB
  • 7ZArtificial Intelligence Today Recent Trends and Development - nuela Veloso.7z19.27MB
  • 7ZArtificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations - Bramer x.7z17.51MB
  • 7Zchine Learning Neural And Statistical Classification - Michie Spiegelhalter Taylor.7z16.66MB
  • 7Zintroduction to probability (bertsekas 2nd 2008).7z16.65MB
  • 7Zchine Learning And Its Applications - Georgios Paliouras.7z16.42MB
  • 7Zuniversal artificial intelligence (2005).7z16.11MB
  • 7ZMethods and Procedures for the Verification and Validation of Artificial Neural Networks - Brian J. Taylor.7z15.90MB
  • 7Za course in probability theory (3rd 2000).7z15.71MB
  • 7ZHandbook of Computer Vision and Applications Volume 2 Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition - - Bernd Jahne.7z15.59MB
  • 7Zintroduction to bayesian statistics (2nd 2007).7z15.23MB
  • 7ZAdvances in Artificial Intelligence – IA 2004 - Ana L.C. Bazzan Sofiane Labidi.7z14.94MB
  • 7Zpractical methods for optimization (2nd 1987).7z14.91MB
  • 7ZComputational Intelligence An Introduction - Andries P. Engelbrecht.7z14.38MB
  • 7Zevolving connectionist systems - the knowledge engineering approach (2007).7z14.21MB
  • 7Zartificial intelligence - a modern approach (3rd 2009).7z14.13MB
  • 7Zbio-inspired artificial intelligence (2008).7z13.73MB
  • 7Zintroduction to analysis (1985).7z13.45MB
  • 7Zthe art of artificial evolution - a handbook on evolutionary art and music (2007).7z13.21MB
  • 7ZIntelligent Communication Systems - Nobuyoshi Terashi.7z13.09MB
  • 7ZHandbook of Computer Vision and Applications Volume 1 Sensors and Iging - Bernd Jahne.7z13.00MB
  • 7ZEvolutionary Synthesis of Pattern Recognition Systems - Bir Bhanu.7z12.63MB
  • 7Zthe quest for AI - a history of ideas and achievements (2010).7z12.45MB
  • 7Zrobust statistics (2nd 2009).7z11.89MB
  • 7ZAnalysis And Applications Of Artificial Neural Networks - LPG Veelenturf.7z11.72MB
  • 7ZComputer Vision - Linda Shapiro.7z11.63MB
  • 7Zstatistics - the exploration and analysis of data (7th 2010).7z11.63MB
  • 7Ztrix computations (3rd 1996).7z11.24MB
  • 7Zintroduction to linear optimization (1997).7z11.15MB
  • 7Zmodern multivariate statistical techniques - regression classification and nifold learning (2008).7z11.13MB
  • 7Zmultivariate data analysis (7th 2009).7z10.80MB
  • 7ZGenetic Programming Theory and Practice II - John Koza.7z10.61MB
  • 7ZAdvances in Applied Artificial Intelligence - John Fulcher.7z10.13MB
  • 7ZIntelligent Control Systems Using Soft Computing Methodologies - Ali Zilouchian.7z10.04MB
  • 7ZComputational Intelligence in nufacturing Handbook - Jun Wang.7z9.72MB
  • 7ZThe Handbook of Evolutionary Computation - Kenneth De Jong.7z8.78MB
  • 7ZGenetic Programming An Introduction On the Autotic Evolution of Computer Programs and its Applications - Morgan Kaufmann.7z7.07MB
  • 7ZArtificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Behioral and Cognitive Modeling of the Hun Brain - Konar Amit.7z6.77MB
  • 7ZNeural Networks Algorithms Applicationsand Programming Techniques - James A. Freen.7z6.43MB
  • 7ZVision with Direction A Systetic Introduction to Image Processing and Computer Vision - Josef Bigun.7z6.28MB
  • 7ZIntroduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition 2nd Ed - Keinosuke Fukunaga.7z6.21MB
  • 7ZFoundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing - Chrisher D. nning.7z6.19MB
  • 7Zconvex optimization (2004).7z5.87MB
  • 7ZSwarm intelligence - James Kennedy.7z5.75MB
  • 7Zswarm intelligence (2001).7z5.75MB
  • 7ZThe handbook of applied expert systems - Jay Liebowitz.7z5.60MB
  • 7ZKaln Filtering and Neural Networks - Simon Haykin.7z5.41MB
  • 7ZFuzzy Sets And Fuzzy Infortion Granulation Theory - lotfi Zadeh.7z5.19MB
  • 7ZData Mining Practical chine Learning Tools and Techniques 2d ed - Morgan Kaufmann.7z5.16MB
  • 7Zartificial general intelligence (2007).7z5.13MB
  • 7ZArtificial Neural Networks in Real-life Applications - Juan R. Rabunal.7z5.01MB
  • 7ZSimulating Continuous Fuzzy Systems - James J. Buckley.7z4.85MB
  • 7ZFuzzy Sets And Systems Theory And Applications - Didier Dubois Henri Prade.7z4.55MB
  • 7ZParticle Swarm Optimization Methods for Pattern Recognition and Ige Processing - Mahamed G. H. Omran.7z4.45MB
  • 7ZComputational Intelligence In Control - soud Mohammadian.7z4.44MB
  • 7ZGenetic programming Complex adaptive systems - Koza J.R..7z4.43MB
  • 7ZRecurrent Neural Networks Design And Applications - L.R. Medsker.7z4.34MB
  • 7ZFuzzy Control Systems Design and Analysis A Linear trix Inequality Approach - Kazuo Tanaka Hua O. Wang.7z4.33MB
  • 7Zchine Learning in Computer Vision - N. SEBE.7z4.31MB
  • 7ZIntelligent Infortion Integration for the Semantic Web - Ubbo Visser.7z4.26MB
  • 7ZLearning Bayesian Networks - Neapolitan R. E..7z4.17MB
  • 7ZHandbook of Computer Vision Algorithms in Ige Algebra 2nd Ed - Gerhard X. Ritter.7z4.04MB
  • 7Zartificial intelligence (luger 6th 2008).7z3.95MB
  • 7Zschaum\s outline of probability random variables and random processes (1997).7z3.91MB
  • 7ZCommon Lisp the Language 2nd Edition - Guy L. Steele.7z3.74MB
  • 7ZFoundations of Neural Networks Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Engineering - Nikola Kazabov.7z3.74MB
  • 7Zartificial intelligence for games (2nd 2009).7z3.60MB
  • 7Znumerical optimization (2nd 2006).7z3.23MB
  • 7Zprobability theory - the logic of science (2003).7z2.95MB
  • 7Ztrix algebra - theory computations and applications in statistics (2007).7z2.92MB
  • 7ZFusion of Neural Networks Fuzzy Systems and Genetic Algorithms Industrial Applications - Lakhmi C. Jain N.M. rtin.7z2.91MB
  • 7ZFusion Of Neural Networks Fuzzy Systems And Genetic Algorithms - Lakhmi C. Jain N.M. rtin.7z2.91MB
  • 7ZFeature Extraction in Computer Vision and Ige Processing - Mark S. Nixon.7z2.90MB
  • 7ZEvolutionary Computation for Modeling and Optimization - Daniel Ashlock.7z2.88MB
  • 7ZOntological Sentics - Sergei Nirenburg Victor Raskin.7z2.84MB
  • 7Zoptimization for chine learning (2011).7z2.76MB
  • 7Za first look at rigorous probability theory (2nd 2006).7z2.67MB
  • 7ZRECENT ADVANCES IN ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS Design and Applications - Lakhmi Jain.7z2.61MB
  • 7ZMultiagent systems a modern approach to distributed artificial intelligence - Gerhard Weiss.7z2.52MB
  • 7Zall of statistics - a concise course in statistical inference (2010).7z2.47MB
  • 7ZStatistical Pattern Recognition 2nd Ed - Andrew R. Webb.7z2.46MB
  • 7Zintroduction to probability (grinstead and snell 2006).7z2.40MB
  • 7Zprediction learning and games (2006).7z2.32MB
  • 7ZPattern Recognition in Speech and Language Processing - WU CHOU.7z2.27MB
  • 7Zstatistics in plain english (3rd 2010).7z2.27MB
  • 7ZIntelligent Systems for Engineers and Scientists 2d ed - Adrian A. Hopgood.7z2.25MB
  • 7Zhow to prove it - a structured approach (2nd 2006).7z2.19MB
  • 7ZKnowledge representation reasoning and declarative problem solving with Answer sets - Chitta Baral.7z2.13MB
  • 7Zall of nonparametric statistics (2010).7z2.12MB
  • 7ZComputational Intelligence For Decision Support - Chen.7z2.08MB
  • 7Za field guide to genetic programming (2008).7z2.08MB
  • 7ZArtificial Neural Networks - Colin Fyfe.7z2.03MB
  • 7Zknowledge representation and reasoning (2004).7z2.00MB
  • 7ZConcrete Abstractions An Introduction to Computer Science Using Scheme - x Hailperin Barbara Kaiser and Karl Knight.7z1.93MB
  • 7ZAn Introduction to Pattern Recognition - Michael Alder.7z1.93MB
  • 7ZSimply Scheme Introducing Computer Science 2d ed - Brian Harvey tthew Wright.7z1.92MB
  • 7Zreinforcement learning - an introduction (1998).7z1.90MB
  • 7ZData Mining with Computational Intelligence - Lipo Wang Xiuju Fu.7z1.89MB
  • 7Zchine Learning Game Play and Go - Did Stoutamire.7z1.86MB
  • 7ZBuilding Expert Systems in Prolog - Dennis Merritt.7z1.83MB
  • 7Zant colony optimization (2004).7z1.72MB
  • 7ZARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE and SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Understanding the Promise of the Future - Derek Partridge.7z1.71MB
  • 7ZEssentials of Programming Languages 2d ed - Daniel P. FriednMitchell WandChrisher T. Haynes.7z1.70MB
  • 7ZReinforcement Learning An Introduction - Richard S. Sutton Andrew G. Barto.7z1.67MB
  • 7ZLogic Programming and Prolog 2d ed - Ulf Nilsson Jan luszynski.7z1.62MB
  • 7Zchine Learning Neural And Statistical Classification - Cc Taylor.7z1.56MB
  • 7ZAgent-Oriented Programming - From Prolog to Guarded Definite Clauses - tthew M. Huntbach.7z1.55MB
  • 7ZDynamic Bayesian Networks Representation Inference And Learning - Kevin Patrick Murphy.7z1.53MB
  • 7ZFoundations Of Soft Case-ba< x> sed Reasoning - SANKAR K. PAL.7z1.49MB
  • 7ZCOMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICodels Resources Applications - Igor A. Bolshakov Alexander Gelbukh.7z1.46MB
  • 7ZFundamentals of Computer Vision - Mubarak Shah.7z1.44MB
  • 7ZProgramming Neural Networks in Ja - JeffHeaton.7z1.44MB
  • 7ZArtificial Intelligence and Expert Systems for Engineers - Krishnamoorthy S. Rajeev.7z1.34MB
  • 7ZFuzzy Logic in em< x> bedded Microcomputers and Control Systems - Walter Banks.7z1.34MB
  • 7ZFuzzy Expert Systems and Fuzzy Reasoning - William Siler.7z1.34MB
  • 7Zan introduction to generalized linear models (2nd 2001).7z1.31MB
  • 7ZForl Syntax and Semantics of Programming Languages - Kenneth Slonneger.7z1.31MB
  • 7ZC++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic - Valluru B. Rao.7z1.25MB
  • 7ZIntelligent Systems Fusion Tracking and Control - GeeWah Ng.7z1.23MB
  • 7ZNatural Language Processing for Online Applications Text RetrievalExtraction and Categorization - Peter Jackson Isabelle Moulinier.7z1.18MB
  • 7ZData Mining Using Gramr ba< x> sed Genetic Programming and Applications - Wong Cheung.7z1.12MB
  • 7ZStatistical chine Learning For Information Retrieval - Adam Berger.7z1.08MB
  • 7ZPractical Artificial Intelligence Programming in Ja - rk Watson.7z1.07MB
  • 7ZAn Introduction to Neural Networks - Patrick van der agt.7z1.02MB
  • 7ZA Practical Theory of Programming - Eric C.R. Hehner.7z998.18KB
  • 7ZComputer Modeling and Simulation Techniques for Computer Vision Problems - Ming-Chin Lu.7z941.54KB
  • 7ZProlog and Natural Language Analysis - Fernando C. N. Pereira Stuart M. Shieber.7z876.57KB
  • 7ZOn LISP Advanced Techniques for Common LISP - Paul Graham.7z876.04KB
  • 7ZCommon Lisp - A Gentle Introduction To Symbolic Computation - Did S. Touretzky.7z833.81KB
  • 7ZArtificial Intelligence Through Prolog - Neil C Rowe.7z777.27KB
  • 7ZAn Introduction To Programming In Ecs Lisp 2Nd Ed - Robert J. Chassell.7z773.98KB
  • 7ZArtificial Intelligence Strategies Applications and Models Through Search 2d ed - Chrisher Thornton.7z751.33KB
  • 7ZThe International Dictionary Of Artificial Intelligence - William Raynor.7z661.08KB
  • 7ZWriting GNU Ecs Extensions - Bob Glickstein.7z593.37KB
  • 7ZCommon Lisp - An Interactive Approach - STUART C. SHAPIRO.7z560.73KB
  • 7ZProlog Programming A First Course - Paul Brna.7z531.14KB
  • 7ZIntroduction to chine Learning - Nils J Nilsson.7z492.13KB
  • 7ZBasic Lisp Techniques - Did J. Cooper.7z482.99KB
  • 7Zlisp book - Gary D. Knott.7z410.77KB
  • 7Ztrix cookbook.7z357.96KB
  • 7ZAn Introduction to Scheme and its Implementation.7z341.07KB
  • 7ZSuccessful Lisp How to Understand and Use Common Lisp - Did B. Lamkins.7z280.05KB
  • 7ZLearn Prolog Now! - Patrick Blackburn Johan Bos Kristina Striegnitz.7z278.11KB
  • 7ZTeach Yourself Scheme in Fixnum Days - Dorai Sitaram.7z138.76KB
  • 7ZAdventure in Prolog - Amzi.7z133.96KB
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