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  • PDFHealerBecker & Selden - The Body Electric - Electrogneti and the Foundation of Life (1985).pdf21.31MB
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  • PDFInitiateEric Dollard - Introduction to Dielectric & gnetic Discharges in Electrical Windings, Electrical Oscillation.pdf14.93MB
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  • PDFInitiateTHOMPSON - Electricity and tter.pdf7.02MB
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  • PDFAether geSymbolic Representation of Alternating Electric Wes by Eric Dollard.pdf18.09MB
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  • PDFAether geSteinmetz CP_Theory and Calculation of Transient Electric Phenomena and Oscillations.pdf38.50MB
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  • PDFAether geNikola Tesla - On His Work With Alternating Currents and Their Application to Wireless Telgraphy, Telephony, and Tranission of Power (Leland I. Anderson).pdf56.53MB
  • PDFAether geHeiside Oliver - Electromagnetic Waves.pdf7.10MB
  • PDFAether geKennelly Arthur_Application of Hyperbolic Functions to Electrical Engineering Problems.pdf22.54MB
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  • PDFAether geHeiside Oliver - Electromagnetic Theory Vol 1.pdf25.10MB
  • PDFAether geEric Dollard - Teluric Currents Paper.pdf2.54MB
  • PDFAether geEric Dollard - Theory of Wireless Power.pdf27.85MB
  • PDFAether geEric Dollard - Symbolic Representation of the Generalized Electric We.pdf46.02MB
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  • PDFAether geHeiside Oliver - Electromagnetic Theory Vol 3.pdf37.88MB
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  • PDFAether geKennelly Aurthur_Tables of Complex Hyperbolic and Cicular Functions.pdf15.28MB
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  • PDFAether geKennelly Aurthur_Vector-Power-in-Alternating-Current-Circuits.pdf4.56MB
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  • PDFLost ScienceBartholomew - Hidden Nature - The Startling Insights of Viktor Schauberger (2003).pdf10.30MB
  • PDFLost ScienceJohansson et al. - Self-organizing Flow Technology - In Viktor Schauberger s Footsteps (2002).pdf2.87MB
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  • PDFArch Aether geVRIL Compendium Vol 1 VRIL White Ray Conductors-.pdf39.30MB
  • PDFArch Aether geSteinmetz CP _On the Law of Hysteresis Part 3.pdf5.59MB
  • PDFArch Aether geSteinmetz CP _Discussion on The effect of iron in distorting Alternating-Current We-Form.pdf3.21MB
  • PDFArch Aether geSteinmetz CP _On the Law of Hysteresis Part 1.pdf7.23MB
  • PDFArch Aether geSteinmetz CP _On the Law of Hysteresis Part 2.pdf14.88MB
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  • PDFArch Aether geAlexander McFarLane_Vector Analysis and Quaternions.pdf3.57MB
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