
PHP for Beginners Bee PHP ster and Make Money Fast
  • MP401 The First Steps\\/001 Introduction.mp44.53MB
  • MP401 The First Steps\\/002 Local Development Environment and Software Install.mp459.02MB
  • MP401 The First Steps\\/003 Course Exercise Files Video Quality.mp455.25MB
  • MP401 The First Steps\\/004 Code Editor Installation Optional if you he one.mp417.91MB
  • MP401 The First Steps\\/005 em< x> bedding PHP in HTML.mp444.17MB
  • MP401 The First Steps\\/006 Using Dynamic Data.mp433.98MB
  • MP401 The First Steps\\/007 Inserting Comments in PHP.mp425.07MB
  • MP401 The First Steps\\/008 Practice Section 1.mp415.36MB
  • MP402 Data Types and More\\/009 Variables in PHP.mp460.61MB
  • MP402 Data Types and More\\/010 th.mp428.56MB
  • MP402 Data Types and More\\/011 Arrays.mp447.78MB
  • MP402 Data Types and More\\/012 Associative Arrays.mp446.45MB
  • MP402 Data Types and More\\/013 Practice Section 2.mp412.80MB
  • MP403 Control Structures\\/014 if Statements.mp441.30MB
  • MP403 Control Structures\\/015 Comparison and Logical Operators.mp425.27MB
  • MP403 Control Structures\\/016 Switch Statements in PHP.mp434.69MB
  • MP403 Control Structures\\/017 While Loop in PHP.mp439.62MB
  • MP403 Control Structures\\/018 For Loop in PHP.mp429.32MB
  • MP403 Control Structures\\/019 Foreach Loop in PHP.mp429.44MB
  • MP403 Control Structures\\/020 Practice Section 3.mp421.36MB
  • MP404 Custom Functions\\/021 Defining functions.mp455.86MB
  • MP404 Custom Functions\\/022 Function Parameters.mp458.59MB
  • MP404 Custom Functions\\/023 Return Values From Functions.mp467.65MB
  • MP404 Custom Functions\\/024 Global Variable and Scope.mp426.40MB
  • MP404 Custom Functions\\/025 Constants.mp48.43MB
  • MP404 Custom Functions\\/026 Practice Section 4.mp420.18MB
  • MP405 PHP Built-in Functions\\/027 th Functions.mp415.89MB
  • MP405 PHP Built-in Functions\\/028 String Functions.mp427.18MB
  • MP405 PHP Built-in Functions\\/029 Array Functions.mp424.82MB
  • MP405 PHP Built-in Functions\\/030 Practice Section 5.mp428.79MB
  • MP406 How To Use Form Data in PHP\\/031 Checking for Form Submission.mp440.30MB
  • MP406 How To Use Form Data in PHP\\/032 Extracting Infortion from form.mp417.18MB
  • MP406 How To Use Form Data in PHP\\/033 Validating The Form Values.mp438.92MB
  • MP406 How To Use Form Data in PHP\\/034 External Page Submission.mp422.23MB
  • MP406 How To Use Form Data in PHP\\/035 Practice Section 6.mp410.99MB
  • MP407 How To Use Databa< x> ses in PHP\\/036 Introduction to Databa< x> ses.mp45.60MB
  • MP407 How To Use Databa< x> ses in PHP\\/037 Introduction to PHPmyadmin.mp426.00MB
  • MP407 How To Use Databa< x> ses in PHP\\/038 rkup for Login Page.mp455.72MB
  • MP407 How To Use Databa< x> ses in PHP\\/039 Receiving Post Data From Check.mp426.89MB
  • MP407 How To Use Databa< x> ses in PHP\\/040 Creating a Databa< x> se in PHPmyadmin.mp411.50MB
  • MP407 How To Use Databa< x> ses in PHP\\/041 Creating Tables and Inserting Data in PHPmyadmin.mp414.99MB
  • MP407 How To Use Databa< x> ses in PHP\\/042 Connecting to the Databa< x> se using PHP.mp418.53MB
  • MP407 How To Use Databa< x> ses in PHP\\/043 Creating Records into the databa< x> se table with PHP.mp439.74MB
  • MP407 How To Use Databa< x> ses in PHP\\/044 Reading Infortion in the Databa< x> se with PHP.mp431.17MB
  • MP407 How To Use Databa< x> ses in PHP\\/045 Creating the Update Records Form.mp441.72MB
  • MP407 How To Use Databa< x> ses in PHP\\/046 Query to Read Ids.mp452.13MB
  • MP407 How To Use Databa< x> ses in PHP\\/047 Fixing Name Attribute Value.mp42.79MB
  • MP407 How To Use Databa< x> ses in PHP\\/048 Query to Update Username and Password.mp451.91MB
  • MP407 How To Use Databa< x> ses in PHP\\/049 Refactoring The Update Query into a Function.mp428.50MB
  • MP407 How To Use Databa< x> ses in PHP\\/050 Delete Records From Databa< x> se with PHP.mp452.05MB
  • MP407 How To Use Databa< x> ses in PHP\\/051 ReFactoring all Databa< x> se Query Code into Functions.mp463.71MB
  • MP407 How To Use Databa< x> ses in PHP\\/052 king All Files Modular and Refactoring.mp483.67MB
  • MP407 How To Use Databa< x> ses in PHP\\/053 Practice Section 7.mp458.20MB
  • MP408 PHP Security\\/054 SQL Injection - How to Prevent it.mp433.25MB
  • MP408 PHP Security\\/055 Password Encryption.mp484.96MB
  • MP408 PHP Security\\/056 Practice Section 8.mp413.91MB
  • MP409 PHP and The Web\\/057 Introduction to HTTP Requests and more.mp42.34MB
  • MP409 PHP and The Web\\/058 Using The GET super Global.mp438.28MB
  • MP409 PHP and The Web\\/059 using The POST super Global.mp420.43MB
  • MP409 PHP and The Web\\/060 About Cookies in PHP.mp424.42MB
  • MP409 PHP and The Web\\/061 Setting Cookies with PHP.mp449.35MB
  • MP409 PHP and The Web\\/062 Reading Cookies in PHP.mp425.97MB
  • MP409 PHP and The Web\\/063 How use Sessions in PHP.mp447.39MB
  • MP409 PHP and The Web\\/0 Practice Section 9.mp448.31MB
  • MP410 ob< x> ject Oriented PHP Introduction\\/065 What are classes and ob< x> jects Introduction.mp44.80MB
  • MP410 ob< x> ject Oriented PHP Introduction\\/066 What are classes and how to define them in PHP.mp429.75MB
  • MP410 ob< x> ject Oriented PHP Introduction\\/067 What are class methods and how to create them.mp419.48MB
  • MP410 ob< x> ject Oriented PHP Introduction\\/068 How to instantiate a class.mp424.86MB
  • MP410 ob< x> ject Oriented PHP Introduction\\/069 Adding Properties to Our Class.mp433.82MB
  • MP410 ob< x> ject Oriented PHP Introduction\\/070 Class inheretance.mp421.87MB
  • MP410 ob< x> ject Oriented PHP Introduction\\/071 Constructors.mp421.96MB
  • MP410 ob< x> ject Oriented PHP Introduction\\/072 Data Access.mp429.98MB
  • MP410 ob< x> ject Oriented PHP Introduction\\/073 Static Data in Classes.mp426.91MB
  • MP410 ob< x> ject Oriented PHP Introduction\\/074 Practice Section 10.mp425.10MB
  • MP411 CMS Project Blogging System - Front End and First Steps\\/075 Intro Tour of the CMS.mp496.10MB
  • MP411 CMS Project Blogging System - Front End and First Steps\\/076 Turning On Some Important Features.mp435.59MB
  • MP411 CMS Project Blogging System - Front End and First Steps\\/077 Adding our assets working structure.mp451.05MB
  • MP411 CMS Project Blogging System - Front End and First Steps\\/078 Creating databa< x> se and category table for the CMS.mp425.01MB
  • MP411 CMS Project Blogging System - Front End and First Steps\\/079 Connecting to the databa< x> se with PHP.mp429.82MB
  • MP411 CMS Project Blogging System - Front End and First Steps\\/080 king our files reuseable.mp494.63MB
  • MP411 CMS Project Blogging System - Front End and First Steps\\/081 Inserting Data into Category Table and Displaying it.mp439.88MB
  • MP411 CMS Project Blogging System - Front End and First Steps\\/082 Creating the posts table.mp433.02MB
  • MP411 CMS Project Blogging System - Front End and First Steps\\/083 Inserting Data into the posts table and displaying it.mp489.10MB
  • MP411 CMS Project Blogging System - Front End and First Steps\\/084 Inserting the post ige and displaying it.mp439.56MB
  • MP411 CMS Project Blogging System - Front End and First Steps\\/085 Creating a custom search engine part 1.mp430.50MB
  • MP411 CMS Project Blogging System - Front End and First Steps\\/086 Creating a custom search engine part 2.mp442.17MB
  • MP411 CMS Project Blogging System - Front End and First Steps\\/087 Creating a custom search engine part 3.mp455.24MB
  • MP411 CMS Project Blogging System - Front End and First Steps\\/088 Adding Categories to the sidebar.mp454.35MB
  • MP412 CMS - Categories More\\/089 Creating reuseable code in the admin.mp497.73MB
  • MP412 CMS - Categories More\\/090 Creating the nigation li< x> nks in admin.mp462.88MB
  • MP412 CMS - Categories More\\/091 Creating the admin category page part 1.mp430.10MB
  • MP412 CMS - Categories More\\/092 Creating the admin category page part 2.mp411.96MB
  • MP412 CMS - Categories More\\/093 Displaying data in category page.mp431.31MB
  • MP412 CMS - Categories More\\/094 Adding Categories.mp427.91MB
  • MP412 CMS - Categories More\\/095 Adding a special Function to our header file.mp46.17MB
  • MP412 CMS - Categories More\\/096 Deleting Categories.mp436.17MB
  • MP412 CMS - Categories More\\/097 Updating or Editing Categories part 1.mp428.39MB
  • MP412 CMS - Categories More\\/098 Updating or Editing Categories part 2.mp441.82MB
  • MP412 CMS - Categories More\\/099 Refactoring category code part 1.mp420.01MB
  • MP412 CMS - Categories More\\/100 Refactoring category code part 2.mp421.12MB
  • MP413 CMS - POSTS\\/101 Creating a HTML table in admin to display a list of posts.mp432.26MB
  • MP413 CMS - POSTS\\/102 Displaying posts list in admin.mp463.01MB
  • MP413 CMS - POSTS\\/103 Including Pages ba< x> sed on condition technique.mp427.26MB
  • MP413 CMS - POSTS\\/104 Creating Post HTML form in admin.mp454.80MB
  • MP413 CMS - POSTS\\/105 Inserting Post Data From admin.mp457.32MB
  • MP413 CMS - POSTS\\/106 Deleting Posts in admin.mp440.40MB
  • MP413 CMS - POSTS\\/107 Creating the HTML edit form post page.mp414.69MB
  • MP413 CMS - POSTS\\/108 Displaying the Edit Data in Post Edit Page.mp451.98MB
  • MP413 CMS - POSTS\\/109 Dynamic Category Editing Ige Display.mp428.53MB
  • MP413 CMS - POSTS\\/110 Finally Updating Posts.mp478.00MB
  • MP413 CMS - POSTS\\/111 Relating Categories to posts and Displaying it.mp432.28MB
  • MP413 CMS - POSTS\\/112 Adding Category Dropdown to the Add Post Page.mp463.96MB
  • MP413 CMS - POSTS\\/113 Adding Individual Post Page and li< x> nk.mp457.54MB
  • MP413 CMS - POSTS\\/ Creating the category page.mp435.18MB
  • MP413 CMS - POSTS\\/115 Setting up some li< x> nks and king an excerpt.mp432.76MB
  • MP414 CMS - COMMENTS\\/116 Creating the comments table and inserting data.mp424.29MB
  • MP414 CMS - COMMENTS\\/117 Creating the comments page and HTML form in admin.mp411.30MB
  • MP414 CMS - COMMENTS\\/118 Creating the Query for displaying comments in admin part 1.mp453.60MB
  • MP414 CMS - COMMENTS\\/119 Creating the Query for displaying comments in admin part 2.mp422.46MB
  • MP414 CMS - COMMENTS\\/120 Inserting new fields in Front end comment form and testing it.mp443.84MB
  • MP414 CMS - COMMENTS\\/121 Creating the Frond End comment insert query.mp430.05MB
  • MP414 CMS - COMMENTS\\/122 Finishing the query to send comment data Front end.mp431.26MB
  • MP414 CMS - COMMENTS\\/123 Relating Comments to posts.mp442.81MB
  • MP414 CMS - COMMENTS\\/124 Deleting comments.mp418.64MB
  • MP414 CMS - COMMENTS\\/125 Approving and unapproving comments.mp430.93MB
  • MP414 CMS - COMMENTS\\/126 Displaying comments ba< x> sed on approval.mp444.88MB
  • MP414 CMS - COMMENTS\\/127 Increasing comments count.mp442.67MB
  • MP414 CMS - COMMENTS\\/128 Adjustments to visual for comments.mp413.79MB
  • MP414 CMS - COMMENTS\\/129 Adjustments for comments and Displaying Post ba< x> sed on Status.mp441.25MB
  • MP415 CMS - USERS\\/130 Creating the users table and data insert.mp422.73MB
  • MP415 CMS - USERS\\/131 Creating users pages and li< x> nks.mp425.24MB
  • MP415 CMS - USERS\\/132 Modifying user table heading.mp417.27MB
  • MP415 CMS - USERS\\/133 Creating the display query for users.mp431.90MB
  • MP415 CMS - USERS\\/134 Displaying users in admin.mp420.17MB
  • MP415 CMS - USERS\\/135 Adding users in admin part 1.mp443.74MB
  • MP415 CMS - USERS\\/136 Adding users in admin part 2.mp444.93MB
  • MP415 CMS - USERS\\/137 Adding users in admin part 3.mp431.72MB
  • MP415 CMS - USERS\\/138 Adding users in admin part 4 and final.mp49.33MB
  • MP415 CMS - USERS\\/139 Deleting users.mp413.50MB
  • MP415 CMS - USERS\\/140 Changing user roles.mp425.02MB
  • MP415 CMS - USERS\\/141 Setting Up the Edit User Page.mp430.55MB
  • MP415 CMS - USERS\\/142 Displaying User Values in Edit Page.mp434.05MB
  • MP415 CMS - USERS\\/143 Adding Select Options to User Role.mp411.90MB
  • MP415 CMS - USERS\\/144 Updating User.mp442.16MB
  • MP416 CMS - Login\\/145 Creating the login form.mp438.47MB
  • MP416 CMS - Login\\/146 king the login page.mp415.80MB
  • MP416 CMS - Login\\/147 Select User Query.mp430.10MB
  • MP416 CMS - Login\\/148 Validating User Query Front End.mp440.62MB
  • MP416 CMS - Login\\/149 Setting Values with Sessions.mp429.72MB
  • MP416 CMS - Login\\/150 Logout Page Improved Validation.mp425.22MB
  • MP416 CMS - Login\\/151 Validating User Admin.mp440.23MB
  • MP417 CMS - Profile\\/152 Creating the Profile Page.mp433.78MB
  • MP417 CMS - Profile\\/153 Displaying User Data.mp430.90MB
  • MP417 CMS - Profile\\/154 Updating User Data.mp423.51MB
  • MP418 CMS - Dashboard\\/155 Adding Widgets.mp419.93MB
  • MP418 CMS - Dashboard\\/156 Posts Dynamic Data in Widget.mp421.72MB
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