
learn and prepare for the java associate exam
  • MP401 Welcome\\/001 Course Overview.mp433.10MB
  • MP401 Welcome\\/002 Installing the Ja SE Development Kit 8 JDK.mp418.69MB
  • MP401 Welcome\\/003 Installing Eclipse.mp427.75MB
  • MP402 Getting Started with Ja\\/004 Section Overview.mp48.21MB
  • MP402 Getting Started with Ja\\/005 The Features of the Java Programming Language.mp46.95MB
  • MP402 Getting Started with Ja\\/006 The Java Platform.mp48.77MB
  • MP402 Getting Started with Ja\\/007 Editions and Versions.mp415.11MB
  • MP402 Getting Started with Ja\\/008 The Java Development Kit JDK.mp412.77MB
  • MP402 Getting Started with Ja\\/009 Your First Java Program - Part 1 Code.mp422.83MB
  • MP402 Getting Started with Ja\\/010 Your First Java Program - Part 2 Compilation and Execution.mp49.66MB
  • MP402 Getting Started with Ja\\/011 Hello World Lab Lab Files.mp46.55MB
  • MP402 Getting Started with Ja\\/012 Java API Doentation Javadocs.mp49.92MB
  • PDF02 Getting Started with Ja\\attached_files\\011 Hello World Lab Lab Files\\/Lab01-IDE-Familiarization.pdf2.10MB
  • MP403 Introduction to ob<x>jects\\/013 Section Overview.mp47.11MB
  • MP403 Introduction to ob<x>jects\\/014 ob<x>ject Oriented Programming OOP.mp49.28MB
  • MP403 Introduction to ob<x>jects\\/015 ob<x>jects vs. Primitives.mp417.27MB
  • MP403 Introduction to ob<x>jects\\/017 Stack Heap.mp44.41MB
  • MP403 Introduction to ob<x>jects\\/018 Using ob<x>jects.mp422.48MB
  • MP403 Introduction to ob<x>jects\\/020 Initializing Data.mp410.17MB
  • MP403 Introduction to ob<x>jects\\/021 Creating ob<x>ject Types - Part 1.mp46.13MB
  • MP403 Introduction to ob<x>jects\\/022 Creating ob<x>ject Types - Part 2.mp411.97MB
  • MP403 Introduction to ob<x>jects\\/023 Creating ob<x>ject Types - Part 3.mp49.41MB
  • MP403 Introduction to ob<x>jects\\/025 Building Constructors.mp411.24MB
  • MP403 Introduction to ob<x>jects\\/026 Default Constructor.mp46.36MB
  • MP403 Introduction to ob<x>jects\\/028 Initialization Blocks.mp410.67MB
  • MP403 Introduction to ob<x>jects\\/029 Introduction to ob<x>jects Lab.mp42.08MB
  • PDF03 Introduction to ob<x>jects\\attached_files\\029 Introduction to ob<x>jects Lab\\/Lab02-CreatingClasses.pdf1.29MB
  • MP404 Static Scope and Garbage Collection\\/030 Section Overview.mp45.56MB
  • MP404 Static Scope and Garbage Collection\\/031 Static Variables.mp415.26MB
  • MP404 Static Scope and Garbage Collection\\/032 Static Methods.mp413.23MB
  • MP404 Static Scope and Garbage Collection\\/034 Static Initialization Block.mp47.26MB
  • MP404 Static Scope and Garbage Collection\\/036 this - Part 1.mp415.33MB
  • MP404 Static Scope and Garbage Collection\\/037 this - Part 2.mp412.45MB
  • MP404 Static Scope and Garbage Collection\\/038 this - Part 3.mp411.57MB
  • MP404 Static Scope and Garbage Collection\\/039 Scope - Part 1.mp49.44MB
  • MP404 Static Scope and Garbage Collection\\/040 Scope - Part 2.mp412.04MB
  • MP404 Static Scope and Garbage Collection\\/041 Garbage Collection.mp410.40MB
  • MP404 Static Scope and Garbage Collection\\/042 Ja Memory Leaks.mp46.16MB
  • MP404 Static Scope and Garbage Collection\\/043 Static Lab.mp41.40MB
  • PDF04 Static Scope and Garbage Collection\\attached_files\\043 Static Lab\\/Lab03-Static.pdf1.35MB
  • MP405 Packages\\/044 Section Overview.mp45.39MB
  • MP405 Packages\\/045 Packages.mp422.90MB
  • MP405 Packages\\/046 Classpath.mp47.93MB
  • MP405 Packages\\/048 JARs.mp410.53MB
  • MP405 Packages\\/049 Packages Lab.mp41.29MB
  • PDF05 Packages\\attached_files\\049 Packages Lab\\/Lab04-Packaging.pdf1.43MB
  • MP406 Ja Conventions and Primitives\\/050 Section Overview.mp410.48MB
  • MP406 Ja Conventions and Primitives\\/051 Coding Standards.mp415.14MB
  • MP406 Ja Conventions and Primitives\\/052 Comments.mp412.54MB
  • MP406 Ja Conventions and Primitives\\/053 Javadoc.mp416.06MB
  • MP406 Ja Conventions and Primitives\\/054 Primitive Data Types.mp412.10MB
  • MP406 Ja Conventions and Primitives\\/055 Primitive Literals.mp47.87MB
  • MP406 Ja Conventions and Primitives\\/056 Primitive Conversion.mp416.02MB
  • MP406 Ja Conventions and Primitives\\/057 Big Numbers.mp45.57MB
  • MP406 Ja Conventions and Primitives\\/058 Primitives Lab.mp41.41MB
  • PDF06 Ja Conventions and Primitives\\attached_files\\058 Primitives Lab\\/Lab05-Primitives.pdf1.36MB
  • MP407 Ja Syntax\\/059 Section Overview.mp46.59MB
  • MP407 Ja Syntax\\/060 Condtionals - If Else If Else.mp415.99MB
  • MP407 Ja Syntax\\/062 Conditionals - Switch.mp412.05MB
  • MP407 Ja Syntax\\/0 Operators Part 1.mp420.63MB
  • MP407 Ja Syntax\\/065 Operators Part 2.mp49.99MB
  • MP407 Ja Syntax\\/067 Loops.mp416.04MB
  • MP407 Ja Syntax\\/068 Break Continue and Labels.mp413.28MB
  • MP407 Ja Syntax\\/069 Enumerations enum.mp415.33MB
  • MP407 Ja Syntax\\/070 Java Syntax Lab.mp41.52MB
  • PDF07 Ja Syntax\\attached_files\\070 Java Syntax Lab\\/Lab06-Syntax.pdf1.01MB
  • MP408 Strings\\/071 Section Overview.mp45.89MB
  • MP408 Strings\\/072 String ob<x>jects.mp49.18MB
  • MP408 Strings\\/073 String Operations and Operators.mp48.51MB
  • MP408 Strings\\/074 Immutable Strings.mp410.92MB
  • MP408 Strings\\/076 Pass By Value Primitives.mp412.89MB
  • MP408 Strings\\/077 Passing By Value ob<x>jects.mp47.72MB
  • MP408 Strings\\/078 Passing By Value Lab.mp41.63MB
  • PDF08 Strings\\attached_files\\078 Passing By Value Lab\\/Lab07-ParameterPassing.pdf1.07MB
  • MP409 Encapsulation\\/079 Section Overview.mp47.08MB
  • MP409 Encapsulation\\/080 Encapsulation and Data Hiding.mp411.94MB
  • MP409 Encapsulation\\/081 Getters and Setters Part 1.mp49.83MB
  • MP409 Encapsulation\\/082 Getters and Setters Part 2.mp45.32MB
  • MP409 Encapsulation\\/083 Access Modifiers.mp411.59MB
  • MP409 Encapsulation\\/084 Encapsulation Lab.mp41.31MB
  • PDF09 Encapsulation\\attached_files\\084 Encapsulation Lab\\/Lab08-Encapsulation.pdf1.14MB
  • MP410 Inheritance\\/085 Section Overview.mp46.38MB
  • MP410 Inheritance\\/086 Inheritance Part 1.mp47.46MB
  • MP410 Inheritance\\/087 Inheritance Part 2.mp410.88MB
  • MP410 Inheritance\\/088 Chaining Constructors.mp418.08MB
  • MP410 Inheritance\\/091 Overloading Methods.mp413.40MB
  • MP410 Inheritance\\/092 Overriding Methods.mp412.99MB
  • MP410 Inheritance\\/093 Covariant Returns.mp42.38MB
  • MP410 Inheritance\\/094 The Three Faces of Final.mp48.46MB
  • MP410 Inheritance\\/097 Inheritance Lab.mp41.47MB
  • PDF10 Inheritance\\attached_files\\097 Inheritance Lab\\/Lab09-Inheritance.pdf1.54MB
  • MP411 Polymorphi\\/098 Section Overview.mp48.33MB
  • MP411 Polymorphi\\/099 Polymorphism Demo.mp414.44MB
  • MP411 Polymorphi\\/100 Polymorphism Part 1.mp420.36MB
  • MP411 Polymorphi\\/101 Polymorphism Part 2.mp411.07MB
  • MP411 Polymorphi\\/103 Benefits of Polymorphism.mp413.01MB
  • MP411 Polymorphi\\/104 ob<x>ject Type Casting.mp49.72MB
  • MP411 Polymorphi\\/105 The ob<x>ject Class.mp418.14MB
  • MP411 Polymorphi\\/106 Polymorphism Lab.mp41.40MB
  • PDF11 Polymorphi\\attached_files\\106 Polymorphism Lab\\/Lab10-Polymorphism.pdf1.09MB
  • MP412 Abstract Classes and Inteces\\/107 Section Overview.mp47.37MB
  • MP412 Abstract Classes and Inteces\\/108 Abstract Classes Part 1.mp410.92MB
  • MP412 Abstract Classes and Inteces\\/109 Abstract Classes Part 2.mp48.15MB
  • MP412 Abstract Classes and Inteces\\/111 Inteces Part 1.mp49.78MB
  • MP412 Abstract Classes and Inteces\\/112 Inteces Part 2.mp417.29MB
  • MP412 Abstract Classes and Inteces\\/113 Inteces Part 3.mp49.94MB
  • MP412 Abstract Classes and Inteces\\/115 Abstract Classes and Inteces Lab.mp41.91MB
  • PDF12 Abstract Classes and Inteces\\attached_files\\115 Abstract Classes and Inteces Lab\\/Lab11-AbstractIntece.pdf1.26MB
  • MP413 Lambda ex<x>pressions and Static Imports\\/116 Section Overview.mp45.92MB
  • MP413 Lambda ex<x>pressions and Static Imports\\/117 rker and Functional Inteces.mp45.95MB
  • MP413 Lambda ex<x>pressions and Static Imports\\/118 Lambda ex<x>pressions.mp411.63MB
  • MP413 Lambda ex<x>pressions and Static Imports\\/119 Predicate.mp43.99MB
  • MP413 Lambda ex<x>pressions and Static Imports\\/120 Static Imports.mp48.19MB
  • MP413 Lambda ex<x>pressions and Static Imports\\/121 Lambda ex<x>pressions Lab.mp4971.08KB
  • PDF13 Lambda ex<x>pressions and Static Imports\\attached_files\\121 Lambda ex<x>pressions Lab\\/Lab12-Lambda.pdf961.78KB
  • MP414 Dates and Time\\/122 Section Overview.mp46.76MB
  • MP414 Dates and Time\\/123 LocalDate.mp418.02MB
  • MP414 Dates and Time\\/124 LocalTime LocalDateTime and Period.mp418.73MB
  • MP414 Dates and Time\\/125 DateTimeFortter.mp419.07MB
  • MP414 Dates and Time\\/126 Dates and Time Lab.mp41.34MB
  • PDF14 Dates and Time\\attached_files\\126 Dates and Time Lab\\/Lab13-DateTime.pdf959.49KB
  • MP415 Arrays\\/127 Section Overview.mp49.54MB
  • MP415 Arrays\\/128 Arrays.mp417.40MB
  • MP415 Arrays\\/129 Polymorphi Revisited.mp410.80MB
  • MP415 Arrays\\/130 Multi-Dimensional Arrays.mp46.65MB
  • MP415 Arrays\\/132 Sorting and Searching Arrays.mp45.37MB
  • MP415 Arrays\\/133 Common Array Mistakes.mp45.05MB
  • MP415 Arrays\\/134 Varargs.mp44.78MB
  • MP415 Arrays\\/135 Arrays Lab.mp4984.52KB
  • PDF15 Arrays\\attached_files\\135 Arrays Lab\\/Lab14-Arrays.pdf1.06MB
  • MP416 Collections\\/136 Section Overview.mp46.98MB
  • MP416 Collections\\/137 When Arrays Are Not Enough.mp45.70MB
  • MP416 Collections\\/138 Collections.mp48.07MB
  • MP416 Collections\\/139 The Collection Intece.mp44.36MB
  • MP416 Collections\\/140 Iterator.mp47.82MB
  • MP416 Collections\\/141 Lists.mp46.34MB
  • MP416 Collections\\/142 Sets.mp45.72MB
  • MP416 Collections\\/143 Queues.mp49.04MB
  • MP416 Collections\\/144 Deques.mp45.71MB
  • MP416 Collections\\/145 ps.mp411.69MB
  • MP416 Collections\\/146 Collections Lab.mp41.61MB
  • PDF16 Collections\\attached_files\\146 Collections Lab\\/Lab15-Collections.pdf1.01MB
  • MP417 More with Collections\\/147 Section Overview.mp43.58MB
  • MP417 More with Collections\\/148 Limitations of Collections.mp48.25MB
  • MP417 More with Collections\\/150 Generics and Autoboxing.mp49.16MB
  • MP417 More with Collections\\/151 Diamond Operator.mp43.39MB
  • MP417 More with Collections\\/153 Sorting and Searching Collections.mp42.49MB
  • MP417 More with Collections\\/154 Comparable.mp46.54MB
  • MP417 More with Collections\\/155 Comparator.mp45.07MB
  • MP417 More with Collections\\/157 More With Collections Lab.mp41.35MB
  • PDF17 More with Collections\\attached_files\\157 More With Collections Lab\\/Lab16-More-With-Collections.pdf1.04MB
  • MP418 Exception Handling\\/158 Section Overview.mp46.68MB
  • MP418 Exception Handling\\/159 Throwable.mp44.39MB
  • MP418 Exception Handling\\/160 Catching Exceptions.mp49.20MB
  • MP418 Exception Handling\\/161 Finally Block.mp46.58MB
  • MP418 Exception Handling\\/162 The Exception ob<x>ject.mp43.01MB
  • MP418 Exception Handling\\/163 Unchecked Runtime vs. Checked Exceptions.mp47.37MB
  • MP418 Exception Handling\\/1 Creating Exceptions.mp43.68MB
  • MP418 Exception Handling\\/165 Exception Handling Lab.mp4882.80KB
  • PDF18 Exception Handling\\attached_files\\165 Exception Handling Lab\\/Lab17-Exceptions.pdf1.10MB
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